Commit beecdd0c authored by Ivan Tyagov's avatar Ivan Tyagov
Browse files

Refactor query generation script. Do not use getSecurityManager().

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 8c02e18a
......@@ -71,28 +71,30 @@
<value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
This scripts parses a long string and does the following:\n
- processes arguments for searching by any category\n
- selects search mode\n
- adds creation and modification date clauses\n
- searches\n
- if requested, filters result so that only the user\'s docs are returned\n
- if requested, filters result to return only the newest versions\n
This scripts parses a long string and does the following:\n
- processes arguments for searching by any category\n
- selects search mode\n
- adds creation and modification date clauses\n
- searches\n
- if requested, filters result so that only the user\'s docs are returned\n
- if requested, filters result to return only the newest versions\n
At the end the script generates one big complex query to retrieve objects.\n
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.SQLCatalog import Query\n
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.SQLCatalog import ComplexQuery\n
if not sstr: return None\n
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.SQLCatalog import Query, ComplexQuery\n
args = context.parseSearchString(sstr)\n
query_list = []\n
if not search_string: \n
return None\n
# extract search arguments\n
args = context.parseSearchString(search_string)\n
# process searching by category\n
cats = []\n
bases = context.portal_categories.getBaseCategoryList()\n
for k,v in args.items():\n
if k in bases:\n
args[k + \'_relative_url\'] = k + \'/\' + v\n
args[\'%s_relative_url\' %k] = \'%s/%s\' %(k, v)\n
# expand simplified notation of search mode\n
mode = args.get(\'mode\')\n
......@@ -100,7 +102,8 @@ modemap = { \'natural\' : 0,\n
\'boolean\' : \'in_boolean_mode\',\n
\'expanded\': \'with_query_expansion\'}\n
if mode and modemap.has_key(mode):\n
args[\'SearchableText\'] = dict(query=args[\'SearchableText\'], search_mode=modemap[mode])\n
args[\'SearchableText\'] = dict(query = args[\'SearchableText\'], \n
search_mode = modemap[mode])\n
# a hack because SQLCatalog wants table.key now \n
# dunno if it is a bug or a feature\n
......@@ -108,31 +111,30 @@ if args.has_key(\'SearchableText\'):\n
args[\'full_text.SearchableText\'] = args[\'SearchableText\']\n
cf = kw.get(\'creation_from\')\n
ct = kw.get(\'creation_to\')\n
mf = kw.get(\'modification_from\')\n
mt = kw.get(\'modification_to\')\n
creation_from = kw.get(\'creation_from\')\n
creation_to = kw.get(\'creation_to\')\n
modification_from = kw.get(\'modification_from\')\n
modification_to = kw.get(\'modification_to\')\n
wheres = []\n
if cf:\n
wheres.append(\'creation_date >"\' + cf.strftime(\'%Y-%m-%d\') + \'"\')\n
if ct:\n
wheres.append(\'creation_date <"\' + cf.strftime(\'%Y-%m-%d\') + \'"\')\n
if mf:\n
wheres.append(\'modification_date >"\' + cf.strftime(\'%Y-%m-%d\') + \'"\')\n
if mt:\n
wheres.append(\'modification_date <"\' + cf.strftime(\'%Y-%m-%d\') + \'"\')\n
if creation_from:\n
wheres.append(\'creation_date >"\' + creation_from.strftime(\'%Y-%m-%d\') + \'"\')\n
if creation_to:\n
wheres.append(\'creation_date <"\' + creation_from.strftime(\'%Y-%m-%d\') + \'"\')\n
if modification_from:\n
wheres.append(\'modification_date >"\' + creation_from.strftime(\'%Y-%m-%d\') + \'"\')\n
if modification_to:\n
wheres.append(\'modification_date <"\' + creation_from.strftime(\'%Y-%m-%d\') + \'"\')\n
if wheres != []:\n
args[\'where_expression\'] = \' AND \'.join(wheres)\n
# We search in any language by default\n
if args.get(\'language\') == \'0\': args.pop(\'language\')\n
if args.get(\'language\') == \'0\': \n
# User wants only his documents\n
if args.get(\'mine\'): \n
sm = getSecurityManager()\n
u = sm.getUser()\n
args[\'owner\'] = u\n
args[\'owner\'] = context.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember()\n
query_list = []\n
for k, v in args.items():\n
......@@ -142,7 +144,8 @@ if args.get(\'newest\'):\n
return ComplexQuery(*query_list, **dict(operator = \'AND\',\n
order_by = \'reference\')) \n
return ComplexQuery(*query_list, **dict(operator = \'AND\')) \n
return ComplexQuery(*query_list, \n
**dict(operator = \'AND\')) \n
......@@ -195,7 +198,7 @@ if args.get(\'newest\'):\n
<key> <string>_params</string> </key>
<value> <string>sstr, **kw</string> </value>
<value> <string>search_string, **kw</string> </value>
<key> <string>errors</string> </key>
......@@ -221,7 +224,7 @@ if args.get(\'newest\'):\n
<key> <string>co_varnames</string> </key>
......@@ -230,8 +233,6 @@ if args.get(\'newest\'):\n
......@@ -241,14 +242,12 @@ if args.get(\'newest\'):\n
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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