Commit e91fa19c authored by Viktor Horvath's avatar Viktor Horvath

Last commit before work on instantiation.

parent 334e0615
......@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ def pre_configure_hook(options, bo, env):
def post_make_hook(options, buildout):
# location = options['location']
# print "Mioga - postmakehook"
# print "We are currently in", os.getcwd()
# shutil.move("var", location)
return None
# def post_make_hook(options, buildout):
# location = options['location']
# print "Mioga - postmakehook"
# print "We are currently in", os.getcwd()
# shutil.move("var", location)
# return None
......@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ patches =
pre-configure-hook = ${mioga-hooks:location}/${mioga-hooks:filename}:pre_configure_hook
configure-command =
${perl:location}/bin/perl Makefile.PL
keep-compile-dir = true
recipe =
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