Commit 29724667 authored by Mark Florisson's avatar Mark Florisson

Use cython.long instead of long in python mode

parent b9a2c953
No related merge requests found
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def opt_func(fused_t obj, cython.floating myf = 1.2, cython.integral myi = 7):
>>> opt_func[str, float, int]("spam", f, i)
str object float int
spam 5.60 9 5.60 9
>>> opt_func[str, cy.double, long]("spam", f, i)
>>> opt_func[str, cy.double, cy.long]("spam", f, i)
str object double long
spam 5.60 9 5.60 9
>>> opt_func[str, float,]("spam", f, i)
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ def opt_func(fused_t obj, cython.floating myf = 1.2, cython.integral myi = 7):
>>> opt_func[ExtClassA, float, int](ExtClassA(), f, i)
ExtClassA float int
ExtClassA 5.60 9 5.60 9
>>> opt_func[ExtClassA, cy.double, long](ExtClassA(), f, i)
>>> opt_func[ExtClassA, cy.double, cy.long](ExtClassA(), f, i)
ExtClassA double long
ExtClassA 5.60 9 5.60 9
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