Commit 66b81226 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

prevent creation of "suboffset_dim" temp when it's not used in memory view slicing code

parent f0d60728
......@@ -288,7 +288,6 @@ class MemoryViewSliceBufferEntry(Buffer.BufferEntry):
Simply call __pyx_memoryview_slice_memviewslice with the right
new_ndim = 0
src = self.cname
def load_slice_util(name, context_dict):
......@@ -296,17 +295,22 @@ class MemoryViewSliceBufferEntry(Buffer.BufferEntry):
name, "MemoryView_C.c", context=context_dict)
return impl
all_dimensions_direct = all(access == 'direct' for access, packing in self.type.axes)
no_suboffset_dim = all_dimensions_direct and not have_slices
if not no_suboffset_dim:
suboffset_dim = code.funcstate.allocate_temp(PyrexTypes.c_int_type, manage_ref=False)
code.putln("%s = -1;" % suboffset_dim)
code.putln("%(dst) = %(src);" % locals())
code.putln("%(dst)s.memview = %(src)s.memview;" % locals())
all_dimensions_direct = all(access == 'direct' for access, packing in self.type.axes)
suboffset_dim_temp = []
def get_suboffset_dim():
if not suboffset_dim_temp:
suboffset_dim = code.funcstate.allocate_temp(PyrexTypes.c_int_type, manage_ref=False)
code.putln("%s = -1;" % suboffset_dim)
return suboffset_dim_temp[0]
dim = -1
new_ndim = 0
for index in indices:
if index.is_none:
# newaxis
......@@ -356,8 +360,8 @@ class MemoryViewSliceBufferEntry(Buffer.BufferEntry):
code.put(load_slice_util("SliceIndex", d))
if not no_suboffset_dim:
if suboffset_dim_temp:
def empty_slice(pos):
......@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ if (unlikely(__pyx_memoryview_slice_memviewslice(
{{src}}.shape[{{dim}}], {{src}}.strides[{{dim}}], {{src}}.suboffsets[{{dim}}],
......@@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ if (unlikely(__pyx_memoryview_slice_memviewslice(
{{dst}}.suboffsets[{{new_ndim}}] = {{src}}.suboffsets[{{dim}}];
if ({{src}}.suboffsets[{{dim}}] >= 0)
{{suboffset_dim}} = {{new_ndim}};
{{get_suboffset_dim()}} = {{new_ndim}};
......@@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ if (unlikely(__pyx_memoryview_slice_memviewslice(
{{if all_dimensions_direct}}
{{dst}}.data += __pyx_tmp_idx * __pyx_tmp_stride;
if ({{suboffset_dim}} < 0) {
if ({{get_suboffset_dim()}} < 0) {
{{dst}}.data += __pyx_tmp_idx * __pyx_tmp_stride;
/* This dimension is the first dimension, or is preceded by */
......@@ -899,7 +899,7 @@ if (unlikely(__pyx_memoryview_slice_memviewslice(
} else {
{{dst}}.suboffsets[{{suboffset_dim}}] += __pyx_tmp_idx * __pyx_tmp_stride;
{{dst}}.suboffsets[{{get_suboffset_dim()}}] += __pyx_tmp_idx * __pyx_tmp_stride;
/* Note: dimension can not be indirect, the compiler will have */
/* issued an error */
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