Commit 18b35d40 authored by ben's avatar ben

Fixed bug in restore older than code.

git-svn-id: 2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109
parent 969b8031
......@@ -440,25 +440,30 @@ Try restoring from an increment file (the filenames look like
def RemoveOlderThan(self, rootrp):
"""Remove all increment files older than a certain time"""
datadir = self.li_getdatadir(rootrp,
"""Unable to open rdiff-backup-data dir.
datadir = rootrp.append("rdiff-backup-data")
if not datadir.lstat() or not datadir.isdir():
Log.FatalError("Unable to open rdiff-backup-data dir %s" %
Try finding the increments first using --list-increments.""")
try: time = Time.genstrtotime(self.remove_older_than_string)
except TimeError, exp: Log.FatalError(str(exp))
timep = Time.timetopretty(time)
Log("Deleting increment(s) before %s" % timep, 4)
incobjs = filter(lambda x: x.time < time, Manage.get_incobjs(datadir))
incobjs_time = ", ".join(map(IncObj.pretty_time, incobjs))
if not incobjs:
Log.FatalError("No increments older than %s found" % timep)
elif len(incobjs) > 1 and not self.force:
Log.FatalError("Found %d relevant increments, dated %s.\n"
"If you want to delete multiple increments in this way, "
"use the --force." % (len(incobjs), incobjs_time))
Log("Deleting increment%sat %s" % (len(incobjs) == 1 and " " or "s ",
incobjs_time), 3)
itimes = [Time.stringtopretty(inc.getinctime())
for inc in Restore.get_inclist(datadir.append("increments"))
if Time.stringtotime(inc.getinctime()) < time]
if not itimes:
Log.FatalError("No increments older than %s found" % timep)
inc_pretty_time = "\n".join(itimes)
if len(itimes) > 1 and not self.force:
Log.FatalError("Found %d relevant increments, dated:\n%s"
"\nIf you want to delete multiple increments in this way, "
"use the --force." % (len(itimes), inc_pretty_time))
Log("Deleting increment%sat times:\n%s" %
(len(itimes) == 1 and " " or "s ", inc_pretty_time), 3)
Manage.delete_earlier_than(datadir, time)
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