Working cloud9 for node 0.4

parent c7e375b9
No related merge requests found
[buildout] [buildout]
extends = extends =
../component/dcron/buildout.cfg ../dcron/buildout.cfg
../component/logrotate/buildout.cfg ../libxml2/buildout.cfg
../component/rdiff-backup/buildout.cfg ../logrotate/buildout.cfg
../component/nodejs.cfg ../rdiff-backup/buildout.cfg
parts = parts =
nodejs-0.4 nodejs
npm npm
cloud9 cloud9
[cloud9] [cloud9]
<= cloud9-git
# Online IDE written in javascript/node.js # Online IDE written in javascript/node.js
# URL : # URL :
# You can use it using the following command : # You can use it using the following command :
# NODE_PATH=${:destination}/node_modules ${nodejs:node_location} ${:cloud9_js_location} # NODE_PATH=${:destination}/node_modules ${nodejs:node_location} ${:cloud9_js_location}
recipe = plone.recipe.command recipe = plone.recipe.command
destination = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_} stop-on-error = true
commit = 97db1467c517d265438684bd2a70b0b76ee282f6
repository =
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_} location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
command = git-binary = ${git:location}/bin/git
${npm:install_module_snippet} cloud9 npm-binary = ${nodejs-0.4:location}/bin/node ${npm:location}/bin/npm
# Fix 0.5.1 bug command = export GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true; (${:git-binary} clone --quiet ${:repository} ${:location} && cd ${:location} && ${:git-binary} reset --hard ${:commit} && ${:git-binary} submodule update --init && cd support/jsdav && PATH=/opt/slapgrid/c86b6d036d0004572b96e10de1a1b5e8/parts/nodejs-0.4/bin:$PATH LDFLAGS=-L${libxml2:location}/lib ${:npm-binary} install) || (rm -fr ${:location}; exit 1)
ln -s node_modules/cloud9/bin/cloud9.js node_modules/cloud9/server/cloud9/. update-command =
cloud9_js_location = ${:destination}/node_modules/cloud9/server/cloud9/cloud9.js
# Online IDE written in javascript/node.js
# URL :
# You can use it using the following command :
# NODE_PATH=${:destination}/node_modules ${nodejs:node_location} ${:cloud9_js_location}
recipe = slapos.recipe.npm
# Node part has to be specified, otherwise system node is used.
node = nodejs-0.6
# List of packages to install
packages =
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