Commit d012a6c4 authored by Mayoro Diagne's avatar Mayoro Diagne

modifying software to copy html folder of xaraya at the root folder of the web site

parent 248a36e4
......@@ -8,30 +8,21 @@ parts =
extends =
recipe =
recipe =
url =
#md5sum = Student may put here md5sum of this file, this is good idea
#If provided tarball does not contain top directory, option shall be changed to false
#strip-top-level-dir = true
recipe =
url =
#md5sum = Student may put here md5sum of this file, this is good idea
download-only = True
filename =
mode = 0644
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
location = html/var/config.system.php
md5sum = c2fd2daa5335d262b4288e456c233434
script =
if not self.options.get('url'): self.options['url'], self.options['md5sum'] = self.options[guessPlatform()].split(' ')
extract_dir = self.extract(['url'], self.options.get('md5sum')))
workdir = guessworkdir(extract_dir)
self.copyTree(workdir + "/html", "${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}")
egg = slapos.cookbook
module = lamp.simple
......@@ -40,6 +31,7 @@ module = lamp.simple
# Default template for the instance.
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/instance.cfg
#md5sum = Student shall put md5 of instance.cfg here
output = ${buildout:directory}/template.cfg
mode = 0644
// Database Configuration
// Database Username: the username that will be used to connect to the database.
$systemConfiguration['DB.UserName'] = '%(mysql_user)s';
// Database Password: the password that will be used to connect to the database.
$systemConfiguration['DB.Password'] = '%(mysql_password)s';
// Database Host: the host name where the database server is located.
// A different port can also be specified, e.g. 'localhost:12345'
$systemConfiguration['DB.Host'] = '%(mysql_host)s';
// Database Name: the name of the database to connect to.
$systemConfiguration['DB.Name'] = '%(mysql_database)s';
// Database Type: the type of the database server.
$systemConfiguration['DB.Type'] = 'mysql';
// Database TablePrefix: a string that will be prefixed to every database tables that are part of the core.
// Those tables are shared across multi-sites.
$systemConfiguration['DB.TablePrefix'] = 'xar_';
// Database username and password encoding
// 0 = not encoded
// 1 = encoded
// TODO: check if this works, havent heard from anyone using it.
$systemConfiguration['DB.Encoded'] = '0';
// Persistent database connections - do NOT use this on shared servers, and
// do NOT use it on your own servers unless your sysadmin + dba teams agree !
$systemConfiguration['DB.Persistent'] = false;
/* For Logging:
* Logging will be done automatically if you create a webserver writable
* file in var/logs/log.txt
* For more advanced logging options use the logconfig module
* if you set this to true the core will be able to
* trap every message that comes from PHP and if
* possible to show a gracefully error page.
* This is an advanced option, leave it to false if unsure.
* TODO: move this out of here
* TODO: review this in code, it is known to hide some errors
* TODO: it also is known to break a PHP5 installation due to the introduction
* of E_STRICT error level (see xarException phpErrorHandler function)
* If so set this to false
$systemConfiguration['Exception.EnablePHPErrorHandler'] = true;
* Useful when debugging to show errors in-situ.
* Don't underestimate the power of seeing the errors when all you otherwise
* get is a white screen.
* Some hosts will have this on by default anyway, so you may want to ensure
* it is turned off here for production.
* When showing errors, turn the error level up to E_ERROR so the application
* does not halt on every little warning. Logging by the error handler will
* not be affected by this setting.
/* ini_set('show_errors', 'On'); */
* Global error level, optional
* If set it is passed directly into the error_reporting() function of PHP
* Normally you want this to be set to E_ALL during development and something a bit lower
* for a production system.
* NOTE: Also set this option if you suffer from the changes wrt references
* in php4.4 and php5.x versions or the bug in the zend optimizer eg: E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE
$systemConfiguration['Exception.ErrorLevel'] = E_ALL;
/* This value determines if the reported error is logged. 28672 is for the constants
$systemConfiguration['Exception.ErrorLogLevel'] = E_ALL + 28672;
* This value determines to use the ADODB cache for SQL queries
* In some cases performance will be reduced by setting this value to
* true (on).
* Rule of thumb: If your db server is slower than your webserver and/or
* your db does no query caching (mysql 3.x for example)
* this might speed things up a little
* TODO: Move this out of here
$systemConfiguration['DB.UseADODBCache'] = false;
* This value is used to change the default behavior of the
* xarServerGetBaseURL() and xarModURL() functions to allow you
* to use things like Apache's mod_rewrite to shorten your
* URLs even further then Short URL's allows, for example
* completely removing the "index.php" from your site's URLs
* Comment them out to use Xaraya's built-in/auto values
* TODO: move this out of here
// 1. When you want to use some alternate URI path to your site
//$systemConfiguration['BaseURI'] = '/test';
// 2. When you want to use some alternate script file for your site
//$systemConfiguration['BaseModURL'] = 'index2.php';
// 3. When you want to use URLs like
//$systemConfiguration['BaseURI'] = '';
//$systemConfiguration['BaseModURL'] = '';
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