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  1. 28 Feb, 2016 1 commit
  2. 11 Feb, 2016 2 commits
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      gitlab: Let's keep shared/ and builds/ under var/ , not in gitlab-work/ · 8289f7ff
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      Even though we do not use LFS objects, builds and build artifacts,
      gitlab backups corresponding directories and recreates them upon
      Current state is: the directories are living under Rails root - that is
      in our gitlab-work/ inside instance, and since gitlab-work is recreated
      almost on every re-instantiation if we'll have some content in that
      directories - it will be lost.
      Don't allow even a chance for that to happen and move what is designed
      to hold data to under var/ .
      NOTE we create shared/lfs-objects/ and shared/artifacts/ because if we
          do not have this dirs, gitlab backup fails. Upstream code just
          assumes the directories are there.
      /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      gitlab: Slapos'ify gitlab config updates · 468d7934
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      Slapos'ify config updates brought by sync with omnibus-gitlab (see merge
      in the previous patch). Changes:
      - default visibility levels gone away (see merge commit and )
      - there are new settings for GitLab Pages and Elasticsearch, which are EE
        only and thus we do not support them.
      - there are new settings for auxiliary cron-like jobs, which we do not
        support for now, since they are used either for CI (not supported by
        us) or EE features.
      Configuration files that were synced, but did not changed are also
      marked as updated, so it is easier to track their changes to upstream in
      the future.
      /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
  3. 17 Jan, 2016 4 commits
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      gitlab: Switch to "GitLab Nexedi Edition" · 74d4ea62
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      GitLab Nexedi Edition is currently upstream 8.2.X + the following
          - HTTP(S) is made to be default clone protocol
            and SSH info is completely removed from UI
            so essentially the only way to access a repository is via HTTP(S).
          - Rake check tasks are adjusted to exit with non-zero code if there
            is a failure
            We need this for promises to work correctly with failures being
            detected, not silently skipped. The patch was sent upstream:
          - GitLab supports setting up site's ICP License in gitlab.yml and
            shows it in appropriate places together with info about GitLab
          + other cosmetic/minor changes.
      More patches will probably come (e.g. apply a single patch from a
      merge-request with `git am` without creating merge commit for just 1
      patch, etc) but for now that's all.
      NOTE ICP is non-ascii text with hieroglyphs. slapos.core was taught to
          be able to pass parameters with non-ascii values to instance:
          That patch is included in slapos.core 1.3.15, but as we currently
          have a lot of older slapos.core deployed (e.g. 1.3.5 on my
          development webrunner) a workaround is (hopefully temporarily) used
          to pass non-ascii values as URL-encoded strings.
      /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome, @rafael
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      gitlab/gitlab.yml: Slapos'ify rest of it · c3f1f0a9
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      Convert the rest of this configuration file to slapos.
      It is straightforward conversion of parameters except:
          - access-via-ssh is disabled (gitlab slapos version does not support
            ssh access and supports HTTP(S) only by design on purpose)
          - we do not support restricting possible projects visibility via
            instance parameter (very low chance this will be needed in
          - default issue-closing pattern is just ok for now and not
          - support for builds, build artifacts & CI is disabled (we do not
            support CI (yet ?))
          - some internal defaults are just ok (e.g. where to organize
            directory for keeping repositories archives for downloads)
          - reply-by-email is not supported (yet ?)
          - we do not support LFS (yet ?) - just plain git hosting is ok for now.
          - Gravatar defaults are ok for now and not configurable.
          - Support for LDAP is disabled
          - Support for Kerberos is disabled
          - Support for OmniAuth is disabled
          - Satellites path is just /dev/null as we start from version where
            satellites are already non-existent.
          - Uploading backups to somewhere via GitLab's builtin mechanism is
            not supported - we'll use SlapOS native backup and resiliency for
          - Support for Google analytics is disabled.
          - Support for Piwik is disabled.
          - we are ok (for now) with default rack-attack git settings
      /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      gitlab/gitlab.yml: Handle "external URL" · 93362a08
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      GitLab has a notion of "external URL" - the canonical "frontend" URL the
      server is reachable through: this URL is used as prefix to show
      e.g. git-clone URL for repositories, etc, even if a server can be
      reachable via several frontends.
      Add external_url handling to slapos instance.
      NOTE whether to use https or not is also defined by external_url, in
      particular by external_url scheme.
      /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      gitlab: Hook gitlab- and gitlab-shell- configuration files into the system · 13169cab
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      - Download them on SR build and pass info to instance
      - Instance prepares to process them as jinja2 templates
      - Instance hooks the files into configuration location as appropriate
      Every file so far is renamed *.erb -> *.in and a header added showing
      that this file is autogenerated with links about what was the base
      gitlab and/or omnibus version and omnibus reference revision this
      template was last updated for.
      So far all result configuration files are invalid - because ERB syntax
      is there. We will convert the configuration files to proper jinja2
      syntax and to using slapos parameters incrementally in the upcoming
      NOTE (again): md5 sums are not yet fixed - we will fix them in the end
          of gitlab patches series after applying all tweaking changes.
      /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome