Commit 5c3f9264 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

Revert "Trade Model Rule: ignore input amount with price = 0"

This reverts commit ff04daef.

This was an attempt to optimize simulation.
parent ec1f49a7
......@@ -107,7 +107,9 @@ class TradeModelRuleMovementGenerator(MovementGeneratorMixin):
input_movement = aq_base(simulation_movement).__of__(self._applied_rule)
for amount in amount_list:
if amount.getResource() and amount.getPrice():
# Do not ignore amount with price = 0 (such behaviour can be obtained by
# specifying a predicate on the amount generator line/cell).
if amount.getResource():
# FIXME: Is it the right way to have source/destination and other
# non-Amount properties set on the generated movement ?
movement = input_movement.asContext(**dict((k, v)
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