Commit 50bfdffe authored by Christophe Dumez's avatar Christophe Dumez

- rewritten tree construction. It consumes a lot less memory and is a bit faster.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 4731ebd5
......@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.ERP5.Document.BusinessTemplate import removeAll
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
except ImportError:
......@@ -59,6 +58,47 @@ try:
except NameError:
from sets import Set as set
class File(object):
__slots__ = ('status','name')
# Constructor
def __init__(self, name, status) :
self.status = status = name
## End of File Class
class Dir(object):
__slots__ = ('status','name','sub_dirs','sub_files')
# Constructor
def __init__(self, name, status) :
self.status = status = name
self.sub_dirs = [] # list of sub directories
self.sub_files = [] # list of sub files
# return a list of sub directories' names
def getSubDirsNameList(self) :
return [ for d in self.sub_dirs]
# return directory in subdirs given its name
def getDirFromName(self, name):
for d in self.sub_dirs:
if == name:
return d
def getObjectFromName(self, name):
for d in self.sub_dirs:
if == name:
return d
for f in self.sub_files:
if == name:
return f
def getContent(self):
content = self.sub_dirs
return content
## End of Dir Class
class Error(exceptions.EnvironmentError):
......@@ -150,33 +190,6 @@ def colorize(text):
html = p.sub(colorizeTag, html)
html = html.replace(os.linesep, os.linesep+"<br>")
return html
class File :
# Constructor
def __init__(self, full_path, msg_status) :
self.full_path = full_path
self.msg_status = msg_status = os.path.basename(full_path)
## End of File Class
class Dir :
# Constructor
def __init__(self, full_path, msg_status) :
self.full_path = full_path
self.msg_status = msg_status = os.path.basename(full_path)
self.sub_dirs = [] # list of sub directories
# return a list of sub directories' names
def getSubDirs(self) :
return [ for d in self.sub_dirs]
# return directory in subdirs given its name
def getDir(self, name):
for d in self.sub_dirs:
if == name:
return d
## End of Dir Class
class DiffFile:
# Members :
......@@ -936,44 +949,51 @@ class SubversionTool(BaseTool, UniqueObject, Folder):
def getModifiedTree(self, bt, show_unmodified=False) :
# Remove trailing slash if it's present
path = self._getWorkingPath(self.getSubversionPath(bt))
root = Dir(path, "normal")
# Get subversion path without business template name at the end
bt_path = self._getWorkingPath(self.getSubversionPath(bt, False))
if bt_path[-1] != '/':
bt_path += '/'
# Business template root directory is the root of the tree
root = Dir(bt.getTitle(), "normal")
somethingModified = False
for statusObj in self.status(path) :
# We browse the files returned by svn status
for status_obj in self.status(os.path.join(bt_path, bt.getTitle())) :
# can be (normal, added, modified, deleted, conflicted, unversioned)
msg_status = statusObj.getTextStatus()
if (show_unmodified or str(msg_status) != "normal") and str(msg_status) != "unversioned":
status = str(status_obj.getTextStatus())
if (show_unmodified or status != "normal") and status != "unversioned":
somethingModified = True
full_path = statusObj.getPath()
full_path_list = full_path.split(os.sep)[1:]
relative_path_list = full_path[len(path)+1:].split(os.sep)
# Processing entry
filename = relative_path_list[-1]
# Needed or files will be both File & Dir objects
relative_path_list = relative_path_list[:-1]
# Get object path
full_path = status_obj.getPath()
relative_path = full_path.replace(bt_path, '')
filename = os.path.basename(relative_path)
# Always start from root
parent = root
i = len(path.split(os.sep))
for d in relative_path_list :
# First we add the directories present in the path to the tree
# if it does not already exist
for d in relative_path.split(os.sep)[1:-1] :
if d :
full_pathOfd = os.sep+os.sep.join(full_path_list[:i]).strip()
if d not in parent.getSubDirs() :
parent.sub_dirs.append(Dir(full_pathOfd, "normal"))
parent = parent.getDir(d)
i += 1
if d not in parent.getSubDirsNameList() :
parent.sub_dirs.append(Dir(d, "normal"))
parent = parent.getDirFromName(d)
# Consider the whole path which can be a folder or a file
# We add it the to the tree if it does not already exist
if os.path.isdir(full_path) :
if full_path == parent.full_path :
parent.msg_status = str(msg_status)
elif filename not in parent.getSubDirs() :
parent.sub_dirs.append(Dir(filename, str(msg_status)))
if filename == :
parent.status = status
elif filename not in parent.getSubDirsNameList() :
# Add new dir to the tree
parent.sub_dirs.append(Dir(filename, str(status)))
else :
tmp = parent.getDir(filename)
tmp.msg_status = str(msg_status)
# update msg status
tmp = parent.getDirFromName(filename)
tmp.status = str(status)
else :
parent.sub_dirs.append(File(full_path, str(msg_status)))
# add new file to the tree
parent.sub_files.append(File(filename, str(status)))
return somethingModified and root
def extractBT(self, bt):
......@@ -1083,51 +1103,41 @@ class SubversionTool(BaseTool, UniqueObject, Folder):
self.add([os.path.join(old_dir, x[1]) for x in list])
def treeToXML(self, item, bt) :
working_copy = self._getWorkingPath(self.getSubversionPath(bt, False) + os.sep)
output = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>"+ os.linesep
output += "<tree id='0'>" + os.linesep
output = self._treeToXML(item, working_copy, output, 1, True)
output = self._treeToXML(item, output, bt.getTitle(), True)
output += "</tree>" + os.linesep
return output
def _treeToXML(self, item, working_copy, output, ident, first) :
def _treeToXML(self, item, output, relative_path, first) :
# Choosing a color coresponding to the status
itemStatus = item.msg_status
if itemStatus == 'added' :
elif itemStatus == 'modified' or itemStatus == 'replaced' :
elif itemStatus == 'deleted' :
elif itemStatus == 'conflicted' :
status = item.status
if status == 'added' :
color = 'green'
elif status == 'modified' or status == 'replaced' :
color = 'orange'
elif status == 'deleted' :
color = 'red'
elif status == 'conflicted' :
color = 'grey'
else :
color = 'black'
if isinstance(item, Dir) :
for i in range(ident) :
output += '\t'
if first :
output += '<item open="1" text="%s" id="%s" aCol="%s" '\
'im0="folder.png" im1="folder_open.png" '\
'im2="folder.png">'%(, item.full_path.replace(working_copy, ''), itemColor,) + os.linesep
'im2="folder.png">'%(, relative_path, color) + os.linesep
first = False
else :
output += '<item text="%s" id="%s" aCol="%s" im0="folder.png" ' \
'im1="folder_open.png" im2="folder.png">'%(,
item.full_path.replace(working_copy, ''), itemColor,) + os.linesep
for it in item.sub_dirs:
ident += 1
output = self._treeToXML(item.getDir(, working_copy, output, ident,
ident -= 1
for i in range(ident) :
output += '\t'
'im1="folder_open.png" im2="folder.png">'%(,
relative_path, color) + os.linesep
for it in item.getContent():
output = self._treeToXML(item.getObjectFromName(, output, os.path.join(relative_path,,first)
output += '</item>' + os.linesep
else :
for i in range(ident) :
output += '\t'
output += '<item text="%s" id="%s" aCol="%s" im0="document.png"/>'\
%(, item.full_path.replace(working_copy, ''), itemColor,) + os.linesep
%(, relative_path, color) + os.linesep
return output
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