Commit 320f0ac8 authored by baba's avatar baba

Migrate notes.line_code format.

Since version 4.1, notes.line_code means:
  {SHA1 hash of file path}_{old line}_{new line}
but the older version means:
  {file index of the commit}_{old line}_{new line}

This rake task migrate the above differences.
parent 6e1ee1fe
No related merge requests found
desc "GITLAB | Migrate Note LineCode"
task migrate_note_linecode: :environment do
Note.inline.each do |note|
index = note.diff_file_index
if index =~ /^\d{1,10}$/ # is number. not hash.
hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(note.noteable.diffs[index.to_i].new_path)
new_line_code = note.line_code.sub(index, hash)
note.update_column :line_code, new_line_code
print '.'
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