• Robert Speicher's avatar
    Merge branch 'add_email_headers' into 'master' · 74a6b4b6
    Robert Speicher authored
    Added X-GitLab-... headers to emails from CI and Email On Push services
    Fixes #2098
    This adds the 'X-GitLab-Project', 'X-GitLab-Project-Id' and
    'X-GitLab-Project-Path' headers to emails from CI and Email On Push in a way
    that it is done currently for merge requests and issues emails.
    Additionally, CI emails will have 'X-GitLab-Build-Status' header with either
    'fail' or 'success'.
    Emails from Email On Push will include 'X-Gitlab-Author' header containing the
    username of user who did the push.
    See merge request !2159
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