| **CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG** | 9.0 | all | `$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME` lowercased, shortened to 63 bytes, and with everything except `0-9` and `a-z` replaced with `-`. Use in URLs and domain names. |
| **CI_COMMIT_SHA** | 9.0 | all | The commit revision for which project is built |
| **CI_COMMIT_TAG** | 9.0 | 0.5 | The commit tag name. Present only when building tags. |
| **CI_CONFIG_PATH** | 9.4 | 0.5 | The path to CI config file. Default to `.gitlab-ci.yml` |
| **CI_DEBUG_TRACE** | all | 1.7 | Whether [debug tracing](#debug-tracing) is enabled |
| **CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME** | 8.15 | all | The name of the environment for this job |
| **CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG** | 8.15 | all | A simplified version of the environment name, suitable for inclusion in DNS, URLs, Kubernetes labels, etc. |