| [Mattermost Notifications](mattermost.md) | Receive event notifications in Mattermost |
| [Mattermost Notifications](mattermost.md) | Receive event notifications in Mattermost |
| [Microsoft teams](microsoft_teams.md) | Receive notifications for actions that happen on GitLab into a room on Microsoft Teams using Office 365 Connectors |
| [Microsoft teams](microsoft_teams.md) | Receive notifications for actions that happen on GitLab into a room on Microsoft Teams using Office 365 Connectors |
| Packagist | Update your project on Packagist, the main Composer repository |
| Pipelines emails | Email the pipeline status to a list of recipients |
| Pipelines emails | Email the pipeline status to a list of recipients |
| [Slack Notifications](slack.md) | Send GitLab events (e.g. issue created) to Slack as notifications |
| [Slack Notifications](slack.md) | Send GitLab events (e.g. issue created) to Slack as notifications |
| [Slack slash commands](slack_slash_commands.md) | Use slash commands in Slack to control GitLab |
| [Slack slash commands](slack_slash_commands.md) | Use slash commands in Slack to control GitLab |