If an issue is complex and needs the attention of a specific person, assignment is a good option but assigning issues might discourage other people from contributing to that issue. We need all the contributions we can get so this should never be discouraged. Also, an assigned person might not have time for a few weeks, so others should feel free to takeover.
## Label colors
- Light orange `#fef2c0`: workflow labels for issue team members (awaiting
feedback, awaiting confirmation of fix)
- Bright orange `#eb6420`: workflow labels for core team members (attached MR,
awaiting developer action/feedback)
- Light blue `#82C5FF`: functional labels
- Green labels `#009800`: issues that can generally be ignored. For example,
issues given the following labels normally can be closed immediately:
- Support (see copy & paste response:
[Support requests and configuration questions](#support-requests-and-configuration-questions)
## Be kind
Be kind to people trying to contribute. Be aware that people may be a non-native
English speaker, they might not understand things or they might be very
sensitive as to how you word things. Use Emoji to express your feelings (heart,
star, smile, etc.). Some good tips about giving feedback to merge requests is in
the [Thoughtbot code review guide].
star, smile, etc.). Some good tips about code reviews can be found in our