Commit f3afcb87 authored by Phil Hughes's avatar Phil Hughes

Correctly handles multi-selected values

Fixes an issue where values couldnlt be unselected
parent 6c891962
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class GitLabDropdownFilter
key: @options.keys
@callback results
@options.callback results
class GitLabDropdownRemote
constructor: (@dataEndpoint, @options) ->
......@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ class GitLabDropdownRemote
class GitLabDropdown
LOADING_CLASS = "is-loading"
PAGE_TWO_CLASS = "is-page-two"
ACTIVE_CLASS = "is-active"
constructor: (@el, @options) ->
self = @
......@@ -226,24 +227,35 @@ class GitLabDropdown
rowClicked: (el) ->
fieldName = @options.fieldName
selectedIndex = el.parent().index()
if @renderedData
selectedObject = @renderedData[selectedIndex]
value = if then, el) else
field = @dropdown.parent().find("input[name='#{fieldName}']")
if @options.multiSelect
fieldName = "#{fieldName}[]"
if el.hasClass(ACTIVE_CLASS)
@dropdown.find('.is-active').removeClass 'is-active'
# Toggle active class for the tick mark
el.toggleClass "is-active"
if value
# Create hidden input for form
input = "<input type='hidden' name='#{fieldName}' value='#{value}' />"
@dropdown.before input
fieldName = @options.fieldName
selectedIndex = el.parent().index()
if @renderedData
selectedObject = @renderedData[selectedIndex]
value = if then, el) else
if @options.multiSelect
oldValue = field.val()
if oldValue
value = "#{oldValue},#{value}"
@dropdown.find(ACTIVE_CLASS).removeClass ACTIVE_CLASS
# Toggle active class for the tick mark
el.toggleClass "is-active"
if value
if !field.length
# Create hidden input for form
input = "<input type='hidden' name='#{fieldName}' />"
@dropdown.before input
@dropdown.parent().find("input[name='#{fieldName}']").val value
selectFirstRow: ->
selector = '.dropdown-content li:first-child a'
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ class @LabelsSelect
projectId = $(dropdown).data('project-id')
labelUrl = $(dropdown).data("labels")
selectedLabel = $(dropdown).data('selected')
if selectedLabel
selectedLabel = selectedLabel.split(",")
newLabelField = $('#new_label_name')
newColorField = $('#new_label_color')
showNo = $(dropdown).data('show-no')
......@@ -60,10 +62,17 @@ class @LabelsSelect
if data.length > 2
data.splice 2, 0, "divider"
callback data
renderRow: (label) ->
selected = if label.title is selectedLabel then "is-active" else ""
if $.isArray(selectedLabel)
selected = ""
$.each selectedLabel, (i, selectedLbl) ->
selectedLbl = selectedLbl.trim()
if selected is "" && label.title is selectedLbl
selected = "is-active"
selected = if label.title is selectedLabel then "is-active" else ""
<a href='#' class='#{selected}'>
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