Commit 157c232d authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

slapos.cookbook: drop slapos.cookbook:egg_test

we now use slapos.cookbook:wrapper instead
parent 75c87927
......@@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ setup(name=name,
'dropbear.add_authorized_key = slapos.recipe.dropbear:AddAuthorizedKey',
'dropbear.client = slapos.recipe.dropbear:Client',
'duplicity = slapos.recipe.duplicity:Recipe',
'egg_test = slapos.recipe.erp5_test:EggTestRecipe',
'equeue = slapos.recipe.equeue:Recipe',
'erp5.promise = slapos.recipe.erp5_promise:Recipe',
'erp5.test = slapos.recipe.erp5_test:Recipe',
......@@ -113,26 +113,3 @@ class CloudoooRecipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
return path_list
class EggTestRecipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
Recipe used to create wrapper used to run test suite (python test)
off a list of Python eggs.
def install(self):
test_list = self.options['test-list'].strip().replace('\n', ',')
common_dict = {}
if self.options.get('environment'):
environment_part = self.buildout.get(self.options['environment'])
if environment_part:
common_dict['environment'] = dict(environment_part)
if 'prepend-path' in self.options:
common_dict['prepend_path'] = self.options['prepend-path']
return self.createPythonScript(
self.options['run-test-suite'], __name__ + '.test.runTestSuite',
"--source_code_path_list", test_list),
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