Commit f118833a authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin
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component/ghostscript,tesseract: drop slappruner workarounds

This reverts 1b291415 (component/ghostscript: Workaround for slaprunner
paths with double slashs, 2021-06-02) and 4e9a9cf1 (component/tesseract:
Workaround for slaprunner paths with double slashs, 2021-08-19). We no
longer support slappruner and these commits were causing issues on
parent 458068a9
......@@ -18,14 +18,13 @@ shared = true
url =
md5sum = 01c515f190de2d8dcce4767407720855
pkg_config_depends = ${libidn:location}/lib/pkgconfig:${libtiff:location}/lib/pkgconfig:${libjpeg:location}/lib/pkgconfig:${fontconfig:location}/lib/pkgconfig:${fontconfig:pkg_config_depends}
# XXX --with-tessdata work arounds a slaprunner bug of having softwares installed in a path containing //
configure-options =
--with-tessdata=$(python -c 'print("""${:tessdata-location}""".replace("//", "/"))')
environment =
......@@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ md5sum = 51fe2bcbff1bbce77a25d180fd247f7d
pkg_config_depends = ${leptonica:location}/lib/pkgconfig:${fontconfig:location}/lib/pkgconfig:${fontconfig:pkg_config_depends}:${lcms2:location}/lib/pkgconfig:${xz-utils:location}/lib/pkgconfig
pre-configure =
autoreconf -ivf -I${pkgconfig:location}/share/aclocal -I${libtool:location}/share/aclocal -Wno-portability
# XXX workaround path on slaprunner with a double slash
configure-options = --prefix=$(python -c 'print("""@@LOCATION@@""".replace("//", "/"))')
environment =
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