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Commit 6cb9d724 authored by Joanne Hugé's avatar Joanne Hugé

Add --test-ping option

Add test_ping script: displays connectivity stats after having parsed all ping_log.csv files
Add --test-ping option: runs the demo for a specified duration in seconds and uses test_ping script to write connectivity stats in the test-result folder.
parent 38db8d86
......@@ -81,8 +81,15 @@ parser.add_argument('-m', '--hmac', action = 'store_true',
help = 'execute HMAC test')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--clone', action = 'store_true',
help = 'clone separate re6st, babel or openvpn repository as specified in clone.conf')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--test-ping', metavar='SEC', type = int,
help = 'run demo for specified duration in seconds, and write connectivity stats'
' using test_ping script in test-results folder. If the demo is interrupted'
' with ctrl-C, stats are still written')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.test_ping: = True
def handler(signum, frame):
......@@ -468,6 +475,61 @@ if
if i != j]
name = if machine.short[0] == 'R' else 'm' + machine.short
machine.screen('python {} {}'.format(name, ' '.join(ips)))
ping_test_start = time.time()
class testPing(Thread):
# Multipings starts when network is stable, ie when all machines can ping each other
# Define a maximum stabilisation duration to interrupt the test if it is exceeded
def run(self):
out_name = 'test-results/test%s_%s' % (int(args.test_ping), str(time.time())[-6:])
with open(out_name, 'w+') as f:
# Wait until network is table and multiping test starts
while True:
if request_stop:
if (time.time() - ping_test_start) > testPing.MAX_STABILISATION_DURATION:
print ('Machines took longer than %s seconds to stabilize' %
if os.path.isfile('m1/ping_logs.csv'):
ping_start = float(subprocess.Popen(('head', '-n1', 'm1/ping_logs.csv'),
line = 'Machines took %s seconds to stabilize' % (time.time() - ping_test_start)
f.write(line + '\n\n')
# Wait until the demo is interrupted or until duration specified in test_ping
# is exceeded
while time.time() < ping_start + int(args.test_ping):
if request_stop:
# Write connectivity stats using test_ping script
test_duration = time.time() - ping_start
test_ping_out = subprocess.Popen(('python', 'test_ping', '-r', '-', '-c'),
for line in test_ping_out.split():
tmp = line.split(',')
machine, h1, m1, s1, h2, m2, s2 = [tmp[0]] + list(map(int,tmp[1:]))
h, m, s = h1 + h2, m1 + m2, s1 + s2
downtime = h*3600 + m*60 + s
percentage = 100 * downtime / test_duration
line = '%s %s' % (machine.ljust(20), (('%5.2f' % percentage) + '%').ljust(10))
f.write(line + '\n')
class testHMAC(Thread):
......@@ -516,6 +578,12 @@ if args.hmac:
del t
if args.test_ping:
t = testPing()
t.deamon = 1
del t
_ll = {}
def node_by_ll(addr):
# Parses all ping_log.csv files and store the intervals of time during which
# pings from one machine to another failed
# Two pings done withing DELTA seconds of each other are considered to belong
# to the same interval
import sys
import argparse
DELTA = 0.2
# Assume we won't run the demo for more than 10 years
MAX_DELTAS = 10 * 365 * 24 * 3600 * (1 / DELTA)
# IP to machine mapping
machines = {}
for i in xrange(1,9):
machines['2001:db8:42:%s::1' % i] = 'm%s' % i
machines.update({ '2001:db8:42::1' : 'registry',
'2001:db8:42:2::' : 'm2',
'2001:db8:43::1' : 'registry2',
'2001:db8:43:1::1': 'm10'})
ips = sorted([ip for ip in machines])
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-c', '--csv', action="store_true",
help = 'Output in csv format')
parser.add_argument('-t', type=argparse.FileType('w+'),
help = 'Create failed pings table and store it in specified file')
parser.add_argument('-r', type=argparse.FileType('w+'),
help = 'Create downtimes recap and store it in specified file')
args = parser.parse_args()
def round_time(t):
return int(t / (DELTA2))
def encode_interval(d,f):
return int(d * MAX_DELTAS + f)
def decode_interval(x):
return (int(x // MAX_DELTAS), int(x % MAX_DELTAS))
failed_pings = {}
intervals = {}
# Parse ping_log file for each machine
# intervals[ip][peer] = list of intervals (start_time, end_time) during which
# the ping from ip to peer failed
# failed_pings[time_interval] = list of failed pings (ip, peer_ip)
for ip in ips:
machine = machines[ip]
intervals[ip] = {}
with open("%s/ping_logs.csv" % machine, "r") as ping_log:
prev_timestamp = 0
current_down_peers = {}
def update_down_peer(peer, timestamp):
global current_down_peers
current_down_peers[peer] = (
current_down_peers[peer][0], timestamp
) if peer in current_down_peers else (
timestamp, timestamp)
def end_down_peer(peer):
global intervals
global current_down_peers
intervals[ip].setdefault(peer, []).append(current_down_peers[peer])
del current_down_peers[peer]
first_timestamp = 0
lines = [l for l in ping_log]
for k,line in enumerate(lines):
_ = line[:-1].split(',')
timestamp, seq, _, peer_list = float(_[0]), _[1], _[2], _[3:]
if not first_timestamp:
first_timestamp = timestamp
timestamp -= first_timestamp
if not len(peer_list):
peer_list = peer_list[0].split(' ')
if (timestamp - prev_timestamp) <= DELTA:
for peer in peer_list:
update_down_peer(peer, timestamp)
end_peer_list = []
for peer in current_down_peers:
if peer not in peer_list:
for peer in end_peer_list:
if k == len(lines)-1 or (timestamp - prev_timestamp) > DELTA:
while len(current_down_peers) > 0:
for peer in peer_list:
update_down_peer(peer, timestamp)
prev_timestamp = timestamp
for a in intervals:
for b in intervals[a]:
for d,f in intervals[a][b]:
failed_pings.setdefault(encode_interval(round_time(d),round_time(f)), []).append((a,b))
sorted_intervals = sorted([i for i in failed_pings], key=lambda i: decode_interval(i))
def time_to_str(t, list_format=False):
r = ""
h = int(t // 3600)
m = int(t // 60 % 60)
s = int(t % 60)
if list_format:
return [h, m, s]
if h > 0:
r += "%s:" % h
if h > 0 or m > 0:
r += "%s:" % m
r += str(s)
return r
# Computes failed_pings_table between time interval [d,f]
# failed_pings_table[time][ip] = number of pings that failed from or to that ip
def compute_failed_pings_table(d,f):
failed_pings_table = {}
for i in sorted_intervals:
di, fi = decode_interval(i)
if di > f:
if fi < d:
t = max(d, di)
while t <= min(f, fi):
if t not in failed_pings_table:
failed_pings_table[t] = {}
for ip in ips:
failed_pings_table[t][ip] = 0
for (a, b) in failed_pings[i]:
failed_pings_table[t][a] += 1
failed_pings_table[t][b] += 1
t += 1
return failed_pings_table
# Prints failed_pings_table between time interval [d,f]
def print_failed_pings_table(fd, failed_pings_table, d, f, csv=False):
fp_table_str = ""
if not csv:
fp_table_str += "\n# Failed pings table\n\n"
header = "".ljust(20) + " ".join([machines[ip] for ip in ips]) + "\n"
fp_table_str += header
fp_table_str += ("-" * len(header)) + "\n"
t = d
while t <= f:
if t in failed_pings_table:
if csv:
line = ",".join([str(t * DELTA2)] + [str(failed_pings_table[t][ip]) for ip in ips]) + "\n"
line = ("%s: " % (t * DELTA2)).ljust(20)
line += " ".join([str(failed_pings_table[t][ip]).ljust(len(machines[ip])) for ip in ips]) + "\n"
fp_table_str += line
t += 1
# Prints downtimes recap between time interval [d,f]
def print_downtimes_recap(fd, failed_pings_table, d, f, csv=False):
downtimes_recap_str = ""
t = d
machines_downtime = {}
for ip in ips:
machines_downtime[ip] = [0, 0]
while t <= f:
if t in failed_pings_table:
for ip in ips:
if failed_pings_table[t][ip] >= 20:
machines_downtime[ip][0] += 1
elif failed_pings_table[t][ip] >= 10:
machines_downtime[ip][1] += 1
t += 1
if not csv:
downtimes_recap_str += "\n# Down times table\n\n"
header = "%s %s %s\n" % ("Machine".ljust(20),
"Down from one side".ljust(20))
downtimes_recap_str += header
downtimes_recap_str += ("-" * len(header)) + "\n"
for ip in ips:
if csv:
downtimes_recap_str += ",".join([str(s) for s in ([machines[ip]] +
time_to_str(machines_downtime[ip][0] * DELTA2, True) +
time_to_str(machines_downtime[ip][1] * DELTA2, True))]) + "\n"
downtimes_recap_str += ("%s %s %s\n" % ((machines[ip] + ":").ljust(20),
time_to_str(machines_downtime[ip][0] * DELTA2).ljust(20),
time_to_str(machines_downtime[ip][1] * DELTA2).ljust(20)))
d, f = 10**60, 0
total_downtime = 0
for i in sorted_intervals:
di, fi = decode_interval(i)
d, f = min(d, di), max(f, fi)
total_downtime += (fi * DELTA2 - di * DELTA2) * len(failed_pings[i])
failed_pings_table = compute_failed_pings_table(d,f)
if args.t:
print_failed_pings_table(args.t if args.t != '-' else sys.stdout,
failed_pings_table, d, f, args.csv)
if args.r:
print_downtimes_recap(args.r if args.r != '-' else sys.stdout,
failed_pings_table, d, f, args.csv)
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