will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit a7a86341 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

New protocol between nodes with authentication

parent 32ebb80b
......@@ -297,21 +297,27 @@ if len(sys.argv) > 1:
elif self.path == '/tunnel.html':
other = 'route'
gv = registry.Popen(('python', '-c', r"""if 1:
import math
import math, json
from re6st.registry import RegistryClient
g = eval(RegistryClient('http://localhost/').topology())
g = json.loads(RegistryClient(
r = set(g.pop('', ()))
a = set()
for v in g.itervalues():
g.update(dict.fromkeys(a.difference(g), ()))
print 'digraph {'
a = 2 * math.pi / len(g)
z = 4
m2 = '%u/80' % (2 << 64)
title = lambda n: '2|80' if n == m2 else n
g = sorted((title(k), v) for k, v in g.iteritems())
for i, (n, p) in enumerate(g):
g = sorted((title(k), k in r, v) for k, v in g.iteritems())
for i, (n, r, v) in enumerate(g):
print '"%s"[pos="%s,%s!"%s];' % (title(n),
z * math.cos(a * i), z * math.sin(a * i),
', style=dashed' if p is None else '')
for p in p or ():
print '"%s" -> "%s";' % (n, title(p))
'' if r else ', style=dashed')
for v in v:
print '"%s" -> "%s";' % (n, title(v))
print '}'
"""), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd="..").communicate()[0]
if gv:
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ class PeerDB(object):'Initialize cache ...')
self._db = sqlite3.connect(db_path, isolation_level=None)
self._db.text_factory = str
q = self._db.execute
q("PRAGMA synchronous = OFF")
q("PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY")
......@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ Authenticated communication:
- the last one that was really used by the client (!hello)
- the one of the last handshake (hello)
import base64, hmac, hashlib, httplib, inspect, logging
import base64, hmac, hashlib, httplib, inspect, json, logging
import mailbox, os, random, select, smtplib, socket, sqlite3
import string, struct, sys, threading, time, weakref
from collections import deque
import string, sys, threading, time, weakref
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from datetime import datetime
from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
......@@ -92,6 +92,20 @@ class RegistryServer(object):
def sendto(self, prefix, code):
self.sock.sendto("%s\0%c" % (prefix, code), ('::1', tunnel.PORT))
def recv(self, code):
prefix, msg = self.sock.recv(1<<16).split('\0', 1)
int(prefix, 2)
except ValueError:
if msg and ord(msg[0]) == code:
return prefix, msg[1:]
return None, None
def select(self, r, w, t):
if self.timeout:
t.append((self.timeout, self.onTimeout))
......@@ -198,8 +212,7 @@ class RegistryServer(object):
def hello(self, client_prefix):
with self.lock:
cert = self.getCert(client_prefix)
key = hashlib.sha1(struct.pack('Q',
key = utils.newHmacSecret()
self.sessions.setdefault(client_prefix, [])[1:] = key,
key = x509.encrypt(cert, key)
sign = self.cert.sign(key)
......@@ -349,26 +362,22 @@ class RegistryServer(object):
# (in case 'peers' is empty).
peer = self.prefix
with self.lock:
address = utils.ipFromBin( + peer), tunnel.PORT
self.sock.sendto('\2', address)
self.sendto(peer, 1)
s = self.sock,
timeout = 3
end = timeout + time.time()
# Loop because there may be answers from previous requests.
while, (), (), timeout)[0]:
msg = self.sock.recv(1<<16)
if msg[0] == '\1':
msg = msg[1:msg.index('\n')]
except ValueError:
if msg.split()[0] == peer:
prefix, msg = self.recv(1)
if prefix == peer:
timeout = max(0, end - time.time())
else:"Timeout while querying [%s]:%u", *address)"Timeout while querying address for %s/%s",
int(peer, 2), len(peer))
cert = self.getCert(cn)
msg = "%s %s" % (peer, msg)"Sending bootstrap peer: %s", msg)
return x509.encrypt(cert, msg)
......@@ -387,59 +396,46 @@ class RegistryServer(object):
while True:
r, w, _ =, s if peers else (), (), 3)
if r:
ver, address = self.sock.recvfrom(1<<16)
address = utils.binFromIp(address[0])
if (address.startswith( and
len(ver) > 1 and ver[0] in '\3\4' # BBB
.startswith, peer_dict),
key=len)] = ver[1:]
except ValueError:
prefix, ver = self.recv(4)
if prefix:
peer_dict[prefix] = ver
if w:
x = peers.pop()
peer_dict[x] = None
x = utils.ipFromBin( + x)
self.sock.sendto('\3', (x, tunnel.PORT))
except socket.error:
prefix = peers.pop()
peer_dict[prefix] = None
self.sendto(prefix, 4)
elif not r:
return repr(peer_dict)
return json.dumps(peer_dict)
def topology(self):
p = lambda p: '%s/%s' % (int(p, 2), len(p))
peers = deque((p(self.prefix),))
graph = defaultdict(set)
s = self.sock,
with self.lock:
peers = deque(('%u/%u' % (int(self.prefix, 2), len(self.prefix)),))
cookie = hex(random.randint(0, 1<<32))[2:]
graph = dict.fromkeys(peers)
s = self.sock,
while True:
r, w, _ =, s if peers else (), (), 3)
if r:
answer = self.sock.recv(1<<16)
if answer[0] == '\xfe':
answer = answer[1:].split('\n')[:-1]
if len(answer) >= 3 and answer[0] == cookie:
x = answer[3:]
assert answer[1] not in x, (answer, graph)
graph[answer[1]] = x[:int(answer[2])]
x = set(x).difference(graph)
peers += x
prefix, x = self.recv(5)
if prefix and x:
prefix = p(prefix)
x = x.split()
n = int(x.pop(0))
except ValueError:
if n <= len(x) and prefix not in x:
peers += set(x).difference(graph)
for x in x[n:]:
if w:
x = utils.binFromSubnet(peers.popleft())
x = utils.ipFromBin( + x)
self.sock.sendto('\xff%s\n' % cookie, (x, tunnel.PORT))
except socket.error:
self.sendto(utils.binFromSubnet(peers.popleft()), 5)
elif not r:
return repr(graph)
return json.dumps(dict((k, list(v)) for k, v in graph.iteritems()))
class RegistryClient(object):
This diff is collapsed.
import argparse, errno, logging, os, select as _select, shlex, signal
import argparse, errno, hashlib, logging, os, select as _select, shlex, signal
import socket, struct, subprocess, sys, textwrap, threading, time, traceback
HMAC_LEN = len(hashlib.sha1('').digest())
subprocess.CalledProcessError(0, '', '')
except TypeError: # BBB: Python < 2.7
......@@ -223,3 +226,10 @@ def parse_address(address_list):
def binFromSubnet(subnet):
p, l = subnet.split('/')
return bin(int(p))[2:].rjust(int(l), '0')
def newHmacSecret():
from random import getrandbits as g
pack = struct.Struct(">QQI").pack
assert len(pack(0,0,0)) == HMAC_LEN
return lambda x=None: pack(g(64) if x is None else x, g(64), g(32))
newHmacSecret = newHmacSecret()
import calendar, logging, os, subprocess, threading, time
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import calendar, hashlib, hmac, logging, os, struct, subprocess, threading, time
from collections import deque
from datetime import datetime
from OpenSSL import crypto
from . import utils
def newHmacSecret():
x = datetime.utcnow()
return utils.newHmacSecret(int(time.mktime(x.timetuple())) * 1000000
+ x.microsecond)
def networkFromCa(ca):
return bin(ca.get_serial_number())[3:]
......@@ -65,9 +73,14 @@ def maybe_renew(path, cert, info, renew):
info, exc_info=exc_info)
return cert, time.time() + 86400
class VerifyError(Exception):
class NewSessionError(Exception):
class Cert(object):
def __init__(self, ca, key, cert=None):
......@@ -105,11 +118,13 @@ class Cert(object):
"CA Certificate", registry.getCa)
return min(next_renew, ca_renew)
def loadVerify(self, cert, strict=False):
def loadVerify(self, cert, strict=False, type=crypto.FILETYPE_PEM):
r = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert)
r = crypto.load_certificate(type, cert)
except crypto.Error:
raise VerifyError(None, None, 'unable to load certificate')
if type != crypto.FILETYPE_PEM:
cert = crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, r)
p = openssl('verify', '-CAfile', self.ca_path)
out, err = p.communicate(cert)
if p.returncode or strict:
......@@ -132,3 +147,101 @@ class Cert(object):
if p.returncode:
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, 'openssl', err)
return out
class Peer(object):
UDP: A ─────────────────────────────────────────────> B
hello0: 0, A
1, fingerprint(B), A
hello: 2, X = E(B)(secret), S(A)(X)
!hello: #, ver, type, value, HMAC(secret)(payload)
└──── payload ────┘
new secret > old secret
(concat timestamp with random bits)
Reject messages with # smaller or equal than previously processed.
Yes, we do UDP on purpose. The only drawbacks are:
- The limited size of packets, but they are big enough for a network
using 4096-bits RSA keys.
- hello0 packets (0 & 1) are subject to DoS, because verifying a
certificate uses much CPU. A solution would be to use TCP until the
secret is exchanged and continue with UDP.
_hello = _last = 0
_key = newHmacSecret()
def __init__(self, prefix):
assert len(prefix) == 16 or prefix == ('0' * 14 + '1' + '0' * 65), prefix
self.prefix = prefix
def connected(self):
return self._last is None or time.time() < self._last + 60
def __ne__(self, other):
raise AssertionError
__eq__ = __ge__ = __le__ = __ne__
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.prefix > (other if type(other) is str else other.prefix)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.prefix < (other if type(other) is str else other.prefix)
def hello0(self, cert):
if self._hello < time.time():
msg = '\0\0\0\1' + fingerprint(self.cert).digest()
except AttributeError:
msg = '\0\0\0\0'
return msg + crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, cert)
def hello0Sent(self):
self._hello = time.time() + 60
def hello(self, cert):
key = self._key = newHmacSecret()
h = encrypt(crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, self.cert),
self._i = self._j = 2
self._last = 0
return '\0\0\0\2' + h + cert.sign(h)
def _hmac(self, msg):
return hmac.HMAC(self._key, msg, hashlib.sha1).digest()
def newSession(self, key):
if key <= self._key:
raise NewSessionError(self._key, key)
self._key = key
self._i = self._j = 2
self._last = None
def verify(self, sign, data):
crypto.verify(self.cert, sign, data, 'sha1')
seqno_struct = struct.Struct("!L")
def decode(self, msg, _unpack=seqno_struct.unpack):
seqno, = _unpack(msg[:4])
if seqno <= 2:
return seqno, msg[4:]
i = -utils.HMAC_LEN
if self._hmac(msg[:i]) == msg[i:] and self._i < seqno:
self._last = None
self._i = seqno
return msg[4:i]
def encode(self, msg, _pack=seqno_struct.pack):
self._j += 1
msg = _pack(self._j) + msg
return msg + self._hmac(msg)
del seqno_struct
def sent(self):
if not self._last:
self._last = time.time()
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