Commit 490d6098 authored by Antoine Catton's avatar Antoine Catton

Remove dirty hack _setupAutoInstallUninstall

This hack was done in order to have the buildout uninstalling the part
and reinstalling every time.

This was because big monolitic recipe were doing some internal

This is not needed anymore with generic recipes.
parent ce7cea6f
No related merge requests found
......@@ -47,15 +47,6 @@ class GenericSlapRecipe(GenericBaseRecipe):
self.key_file = slap_connection.get('key-file')
self.cert_file = slap_connection.get('cert-file')
# setup auto uninstall/install
def _setupAutoInstallUninstall(self):
"""By default SlapOS recipes are reinstalled each time"""
# Note: It is possible to create in future subclass which will do no-op in
# this method
self.options['slapos-timestamp'] = str(time.time())
def install(self):
self.slap.initializeConnection(self.server_url, self.key_file,
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