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Commit 9d1ad615 authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud 🐙

[erp5_web_renderjs_ui_test] Save action now animate the icon and reload the page

parent 454e6f18
......@@ -98,19 +98,6 @@
<td>//div[@data-gadget-scope=\'header\']//button[text()=\'Save\' and @type=\'submit\' and contains(@class, \'ui-icon-check\')]</td>\n
<td>Title 1</td>\n
<!-- force reload the page to ensure breadcrumb title changed, and so, data was correctly stored -->\n
<tal:block metal:use-macro="here/Zuite_CommonTemplate/macros/wait_for_activities" />\n
<td>//div[@data-gadget-scope=\'header\']//a[text()=\'QWERTY\' and contains(@href, \'#!change\') and contains(@href, \'\')]</td>\n
......@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@
<td>//button[@class="responsive ui-btn ui-icon-spinner ui-btn-icon-left ui-first-child ui-last-child "]</td>\n
<td>//button[@class="responsive ui-btn ui-icon-spinner ui-btn-icon-left ui-first-child ui-last-child ui-disabled ui-icon-spin"]</td>\n
<td>//button[@class="responsive ui-btn ui-icon-spinner ui-btn-icon-left ui-first-child ui-last-child "]</td>\n
<td>//button[@class="responsive ui-btn ui-icon-spinner ui-btn-icon-left ui-first-child ui-last-child ui-disabled ui-icon-spin"]</td>\n
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