Commit a3fe173e authored by Gabriel Monnerat's avatar Gabriel Monnerat Committed by Jérome Perrin

erp5_oauth_google_login: Simplify test to follow latest changes in Google Login

Google Logins are created manually in the backend instead of automatically through Base_createOAuth2User
parent fc12440f
......@@ -25,47 +25,61 @@
import json
import uuid
import httplib
from Products.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestCase import ERP5TypeTestCase
from erp5.component.extension import GoogleLoginUtility
from Products.ERP5.Document.Person import UserExistsError
CLIENT_ID = "a1b2c3"
SECRET_KEY = "3c2ba1"
CODE = "1234"
class MockHTTPSConnectionResponse(object):
def __init__(self):
self.status = 200
def read(self):
return json.dumps({"access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN})
class MockHTTPSConnection:
def __init__(self, host, timeout):
assert host == ''
assert timeout == 30
def request(self, method, url, body, headers):
assert method == "POST"
assert url == '/o/oauth2/token'
assert "client_id=%s" % CLIENT_ID in body, "CLIENT_ID not found %s" % body
assert "client_secret=%s" % SECRET_KEY in body, "SECRET_KEY not found %s" % body
assert "code=%s" % CODE in body, "CODE not found %s" % body
def getresponse(self):
return MockHTTPSConnectionResponse()
def getUserId(access_token):
return "1234"
return ""
def getAccessTokenFromCode(code, redirect_uri):
assert code == CODE, "Invalid code"
# This is an example of a Google response
return {'_module': 'oauth2client.client',
'scopes': ['', ''],
'revoke_uri': '',
'access_token': ACCESS_TOKEN,
'token_uri': '',
'token_info_uri': '',
'invalid': False,
'token_response': {
'access_token': ACCESS_TOKEN,
'token_type': 'Bearer',
'expires_in': 3600,
'refresh_token': "111",
'id_token': '222'
'client_id': CLIENT_ID,
'id_token': {
'picture': '',
'sub': '',
'aud': '',
'family_name': 'D',
'iss': '',
'email_verified': True,
'at_hash': 'p3vPYQkVuqByBA',
'given_name': 'John',
'exp': 123,
'azp': '',
'iat': 455,
'locale': 'pt',
'email': getUserId(None),
'name': 'John D'
'client_secret': 'secret',
'token_expiry': '2017-03-31T16:06:28Z',
'_class': 'OAuth2Credentials',
'refresh_token': '111',
'user_agent': None
httplib.HTTPSConnection = MockHTTPSConnection
GoogleLoginUtility.getUserId = getUserId
GoogleLoginUtility.getAccessTokenFromCode = getAccessTokenFromCode
class TestGoogleLogin(ERP5TypeTestCase):
......@@ -117,65 +131,17 @@ class TestGoogleLogin(ERP5TypeTestCase):
location = self.portal.REQUEST.RESPONSE.getHeader("Location")
self.assertTrue(location.startswith(""), location)
self.assertTrue(location.startswith(""), location)
self.assertIn("response_type=code", location)
self.assertIn("client_id=%s" % CLIENT_ID, location)
self.assertNotIn("secret_key=", location)
self.assertIn("/ERP5Site_receiveGoogleCallback", location)
self.assertIn("ERP5Site_receiveGoogleCallback", location)
def test_receive_google_callback(self):
Check if ERP5 set cookie properly after receive code from external service
response = self.portal.ERP5Site_receiveGoogleCallback(code=CODE)
self.assertEqual(self.portal.absolute_url(), response)
def create_user_that_already_exists(self):
self.portal.person_module.newContent(portal_type="Person", user_id=CODE)
def test_create_google_login_under_pre_existing_person(self):
user_id = getUserId(None)
user_entry = {"tag": '123_user_creation_in_progress',
"first_name": "User",
"last_name": "Last Name",
"reference": user_id,
"email": '',
"login_portal_type": "Google Login",
"user_id": self.dummy_user_id
# We are using superuser to avoid Unauthorized error
# The goal of this test to check if Google Login is created
# in the right place
dummy_user = getattr(self.portal.person_module, self.dummy_user_id)
google_login, = [g for g in dummy_user.objectValues(
portal_type="Google Login") if g.getReference() == user_id]
self.assertNotEqual(None, google_login)
self.assertEqual("validated", google_login.getValidationState())
def test_create_user_with_google_id(self):
user_id = getUserId(None)
user_entry = {"tag": '123_user_creation_in_progress',
"first_name": "User",
"last_name": "Last Name",
"reference": user_id,
"email": '',
"login_portal_type": "Google Login",
"user_id": 'Anonymous User'
google_login = self.portal.portal_catalog(portal_type="Google Login",
self.assertNotEqual(None, google_login)
person = self.portal.Base_getUserValueByUserId(user_id)
self.assertEqual(user_id, person.getReference())
self.assertEqual(user_entry["first_name"], person.getFirstName())
self.assertEqual(user_entry["last_name"], person.getLastName())
self.assertRaises(UserExistsError, self.create_user_that_already_exists)
\ No newline at end of file
cookie = self.portal.REQUEST.RESPONSE.cookies.get("__ac_google_hash")
self.assertEqual("b01533abb684a658dc71c81da4e67546", cookie["value"])
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