Commit d29fbab6 authored by Jondy Zhao's avatar Jondy Zhao

Configure cygserver and syslog-ng when initialize cygwin

parent f9cb2f01
#! /bin/bash
# When cygwin is installed, then call this script by Administrator:
# /bin/bash/ --login -i
# It used to create root account.
# It will do:
# 1. Set uid of Adminstrator to 0, and create root account
# 2. Create .minttyrc and cygtty.bat, which used to start comand console
# 3. Configure cygserver
# 4. Configure syslog-ng
if [[ ! "$(whoami)" == "Administrator" ]] ; then
......@@ -18,10 +25,11 @@ else
cp /etc/passwd /etc/passwd.orig
sed -i -e "s/Administrator:unused:500:/Administrator:unused:0:/g" /etc/passwd
grep -q "^root:" /etc/passwd
if (( $? != 0 )) ; then
myaccount=$(grep "^Administrator:" /etc/passwd | \
sed -e "s/500:/0:/" -e "s/Administrator:/root:/g")
sed -e "s/Administrator:/root:/g")
if [[ "${myaccount:0:4}" == root ]] ; then
echo $myaccount >> /etc/passwd
......@@ -51,5 +59,11 @@ EOF
chmod +x /cygtty.bat
# Configure cygserver
/usr/bin/cygserver-config --yes
# Configure syslog-ng
/usr/bin/syslog-ng-config --yes
exit 0
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