• Drew Blessing's avatar
    Merge branch 'increase_lfs_size_column' into 'master' · 106722fa
    Drew Blessing authored
    Increase LFS objects size column
    Fixes #12745
    Increases the `size` column integer limit to an 8-byte integer. This allows for a max value of `9223372036854775807` which is 9,223,372,036 GB. That should do it 😃
    I tested this by first reproducing the error (push a file larger than 2.1 GB). The error was:
    RangeError (3145728000 is out of range for ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::OID::Integer with limit 4):
      lib/gitlab/lfs/response.rb:232:in `store_file'
      lib/gitlab/lfs/response.rb:170:in `render_lfs_upload_ok'
      lib/gitlab/lfs/response.rb:51:in `block in render_storage_upload_store_response'
      lib/gitlab/lfs/response.rb:204:in `render_response_to_push'
      lib/gitlab/lfs/response.rb:50:in `render_storage_upload_store_response'
      lib/gitlab/lfs/router.rb:76:in `put_response'
      lib/gitlab/lfs/router.rb:20:in `try_call'
      lib/gitlab/backend/grack_auth.rb:41:in `call'
      lib/gitlab/backend/grack_auth.rb:18:in `call_with_kerberos_support'
      lib/gitlab/backend/grack_auth.rb:8:in `call'
    Then I ran this migration and pushed the file again. It uploaded successfully.
    See merge request !2644
20160128233227_change_lfs_objects_size_column.rb 140 Bytes