Commit b9fedcb7 authored by Kamil Trzciński's avatar Kamil Trzciński

Merge branch 'gitlab-workhorse' into 'master'

Bump Gitlab Workhorse

See merge request !1795
parents 37465f44 f3669866
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ v 8.2.0 (unreleased)
- Send build name and stage in CI notification e-mail
- Extend yml syntax for only and except to support specifying repository path
- Enable shared runners to all new projects
- Bump GitLab-Workhorse to 0.4.1
- Allow to define cache in `.gitlab-ci.yml`
- Fix: 500 error returned if destroy request without HTTP referer (Kazuki Shimizu)
- Remove deprecated CI events from project settings page
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