Commit cde455c4 authored by Grzegorz Bizon's avatar Grzegorz Bizon

Add encoding feature tests for builds artifacts browser

parent 487b0a02
......@@ -30,3 +30,21 @@ Feature: Project Builds
And I click artifacts browse button
And I click link to subdirectory within build artifacts
Then I should see content of subdirectory within artifacts archive
Scenario: I browse directory with UTF-8 characters in name
Given recent build has artifacts available
And recent build has artifacts metadata available
And recent build artifacts contain directory with UTF-8 characters
When I visit recent build summary page
And I click artifacts browse button
And I navigate to directory with UTF-8 characters in name
Then I should see content of directory with UTF-8 characters in name
Scenario: I try to browse directory with invalid UTF-8 characters in name
Given recent build has artifacts available
And recent build has artifacts metadata available
And recent build artifacts contain directory with invalid UTF-8 characters
When I visit recent build summary page
And I click artifacts browse button
And I navigate to parent directory of directory with invalid name
Then I should not see directory with invalid name on the list
......@@ -45,4 +45,34 @@ class Spinach::Features::ProjectBuilds < Spinach::FeatureSteps
expect(page).to have_content 'doc_sample.txt'
step 'recent build artifacts contain directory with UTF-8 characters' do
# metadata fixture contains relevant directory
step 'I navigate to directory with UTF-8 characters in name' do
page.within('.tree-table') { click_link 'tests_encoding' }
page.within('.tree-table') { click_link 'utf8 test dir ✓' }
step 'I should see content of directory with UTF-8 characters in name' do
page.within('.tree-table') do
expect(page).to have_content '..'
expect(page).to have_content 'regular_file_2'
step 'recent build artifacts contain directory with invalid UTF-8 characters' do
# metadata fixture contains relevant directory
step 'I navigate to parent directory of directory with invalid name' do
page.within('.tree-table') { click_link 'tests_encoding' }
step 'I should not see directory with invalid name on the list' do
page.within('.tree-table') do
expect(page).to have_no_content('non-utf8-dir')
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