Commit b1708117 authored by Jens Vagelpohl's avatar Jens Vagelpohl Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #190 from zopefoundation/deprecate_mtacceptor

Remove testing for mtacceptor and dead Python versions
parents df4bd2cd 5c1335ed
......@@ -17,28 +17,20 @@ jobs:
- ["2.7", "py27-msgpack1"]
- ["2.7", "py27-zeo4"]
- ["2.7", "py27-zodbmaster"]
- ["3.5", "py35"]
- ["3.5", "py35-zeo4"]
- ["3.6", "py36"]
- ["3.6", "py36-mtacceptor"]
- ["3.6", "py36-mtacceptor-msgpack1"]
- ["3.7", "py37"]
- ["3.7", "py37-mtacceptor"]
- ["3.7", "py37-mtacceptor-msgpack1"]
- ["3.7", "py37-msgpack1"]
- ["3.7", "py37-uvloop"]
- ["3.7", "py37-zodbmaster"]
- ["3.8", "py38"]
- ["3.8", "py38-mtacceptor"]
- ["3.8", "py38-mtacceptor-msgpack1"]
- ["3.8", "py38-msgpack1"]
- ["3.8", "py38-uvloop"]
- ["3.9", "py39"]
- ["3.9", "py39-mtacceptor"]
- ["3.9", "py39-mtacceptor-msgpack1"]
- ["3.9", "py39-msgpack1"]
- ["3.9", "py39-uvloop"]
- ["pypy2", "pypy"]
- ["pypy3", "pypy3"]
- ["pypy3", "pypy3-mtacceptor"]
- ["pypy3", "pypy3-mtacceptor-msgpack1"]
- ["pypy3", "pypy3-msgpack1"]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: ${{ matrix.config[1] }}
......@@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ Changelog
5.3.0 (unreleased)
- Remove tests for the `asyncio/mtacceptor` module, it appears unused
and presents a maintenance burden. The module will be removed in
ZEO version 6.
- Remove GitHub Actions testing for Python 3.5, it has reached end of life.
- Add support for Python 3.8 and Python 3.9.
- Add more accurate error handling for ``asyncio.CancelledError``.
......@@ -48,7 +48,10 @@ from ZODB.POSException import TransactionError, ReadOnlyError, ConflictError
from ZODB.serialize import referencesf
from ZODB.utils import oid_repr, p64, u64, z64, Lock, RLock
# BBB mtacceptor is unused and will be removed in ZEO version 6
if os.environ.get("ZEO_MTACCEPTOR"): # mainly for tests
warnings.warn('The mtacceptor module is deprecated and will be removed '
'in ZEO version 6.', DeprecationWarning)
from .asyncio.mtacceptor import Acceptor
from .asyncio.server import Acceptor
......@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
"""Multi-threaded server connectin acceptor
BBB this module is unused and will be removed in ZEO version 6
Each connection is run in it's own thread. Testing serveral years ago
suggsted that this was a win, but ZODB shootout and another
lower-level tests suggest otherwise. It's really unclear, which is
......@@ -38,20 +38,19 @@ deps =
setenv =
!py27-!pypy: PYTHONWARNINGS=ignore::ResourceWarning
msgpack1: ZEO_MSGPACK=1
mtacceptor: ZEO_MTACCEPTOR=1
zeo4: ZEO4_SERVER=1
# Test that ' test' works
basepython =
commands =
python -q test -q
deps = {[testenv]deps}
basepython =
commands =
sphinx-build -b html doc doc/_build/html
extras =
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