• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into y/loadAt.7 · 133ebeb3
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    to resolve trivial conflict on CHANGES.rst
    * origin/master: (22 commits)
      Fix TypeError for fsoids (#351)
      Fix deprecation warnings occurring on Python 3.10.
      fix more PY3 incompatibilities in `fsstats`
      fix Python 3 incompatibility for `fsstats`
      add `fsdump/fsstats` test
      fsdump/fsstats improvements
      - add coverage combine step
      - first cut moving tests from Travis CI to GitHub Actions
      - ignore virtualenv artifacts [ci skip]
      tests: Run race-related tests with high frequency of switches between threads
      tests: Add test for load vs external invalidation race
      tests: Add test for open vs invalidation race
      fixup! doc/requirements: Require pygments < 2.6 on py2
      doc/requirements: Require pygments < 2.6 on py2
      fixup! buildout: Fix Sphinx install on Python2
      buildout: Fix Sphinx install on Python2
      Update README.rst
      Security fix documentation dependencies (#342)
      changes: Correct link to UnboundLocalError fsoids.py fix
      fsrefs: Optimize IO  (take 2) (#340)
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
CHANGES.rst 19.6 KB