Commit 0a91c598 authored by Tres Seaver's avatar Tres Seaver Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #222 from zopefoundation/feature/faster-tests

Avoid most calls to time.sleep() in the tests by mocking time.[gm]time
parents 6c9748dd c7e2d728
......@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ install:
- pip install -U setuptools zc.buildout
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION != pypy* ]]; then bin/coverage run bin/coverage-test -v1j99; fi
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == pypy* ]]; then bin/test -v1j99; fi
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION != pypy* ]]; then bin/coverage run bin/coverage-test -v; fi
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION == pypy* ]]; then bin/test -v; fi
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION != pypy3* ]]; then make -C doc html; fi
- if [[ $TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION != pypy* ]]; then pip install coveralls; fi # install early enough to get into the cache
......@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
exceptions on certain types of bad input. See `issue 216
- Make the tests run faster by avoiding calls to ``time.sleep()``.
5.4.0 (2018-03-26)
......@@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ environment:
- "SET PATH=C:\\Python%PYTHON%;c:\\Python%PYTHON%\\scripts;%PATH%"
- echo "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\SetEnv.cmd" /x64 > "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\amd64\vcvars64.bat"
- pip install -e .
- pip install zope.testrunner zope.testing manuel
- pip install zc.buildout zc.recipe.testrunner zc.recipe.egg
- python -m pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
- pip install -U -e .
- pip install -U zope.testrunner zope.testing manuel
- pip install -U zc.buildout zc.recipe.testrunner zc.recipe.egg
- buildout bootstrap
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ long_description = read("README.rst") + "\n\n" + read("CHANGES.rst")
tests_require = [
'mock; python_version == "2.7"',
'zope.testrunner >= 4.4.6',
......@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ from hashlib import md5
import ZODB.tests.util # layer used at class scope
from StringIO import StringIO
BytesIO = StringIO
except ImportError:
from io import BytesIO, StringIO
from io import BytesIO, StringIO
if str is bytes:
NativeStringIO = BytesIO
NativeStringIO = StringIO
......@@ -94,19 +94,12 @@ class OurDB(object):
class Test_parseargs(unittest.TestCase):
# Python 2.6 lacks this
def assertIn(self, member, container, msg=None):
if member not in container:
standardMsg = '%s not found in %s' % (repr(member),
repr(container)), standardMsg))
def setUp(self):
from ZODB.scripts import repozo
self._old_verbosity = repozo.VERBOSE
self._old_stderr = sys.stderr
repozo.VERBOSE = False
sys.stderr = StringIO()
sys.stderr = NativeStringIO()
def tearDown(self):
from ZODB.scripts import repozo
......@@ -134,7 +127,7 @@ class Test_parseargs(unittest.TestCase):
# zope.testrunner will happily print the traceback and failure message
# into our StringIO before running our tearDown.
old_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = StringIO()
sys.stdout = NativeStringIO()
self.assertRaises(SystemExit, repozo.parseargs, ['--help'])
self.assertIn('Usage:', sys.stdout.getvalue())
......@@ -1099,6 +1092,7 @@ class MonteCarloTests(unittest.TestCase):
from ZODB.scripts.repozo import main
def test_via_monte_carlo(self):
self.saved_snapshots = [] # list of (name, time) pairs for copies.
......@@ -1142,8 +1136,7 @@ class MonteCarloTests(unittest.TestCase):
copyfile(srcname, copyname)
self.saved_snapshots.append((copyname, copytime))
# Make sure the clock moves at least a second.
# The clock moves forward automatically on calls to time.time()
# Verify current Data.fs can be reproduced exactly.
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ from ZODB._compat import (loads, PersistentPickler, Pickler, Unpickler,
import transaction
import ZODB.interfaces
import ZODB.tests.util
from ZODB.tests.util import time_monotonically_increases
import zope.testing.setupstack
from ZODB.utils import load_current
......@@ -274,12 +275,15 @@ class PackableStorage(PackableStorageBase):
def checkPackWhileWriting(self):
def checkPackNowWhileWriting(self):
def checkPackLotsWhileWriting(self):
# This is like the other pack-while-writing tests, except it packs
# repeatedly until the client thread is done. At the time it was
......@@ -608,6 +612,7 @@ class PackableUndoStorage(PackableStorageBase):
eq(root['obj'].value, 7)
def checkRedundantPack(self):
# It is an error to perform a pack with a packtime earlier
# than a previous packtime. The storage can't do a full
......@@ -652,6 +657,7 @@ class PackableUndoStorage(PackableStorageBase):
# it is reachable.
load_current(self._storage, lost_oid)
def checkPackUndoLog(self):
# Create a `persistent' object
......@@ -669,7 +675,7 @@ class PackableUndoStorage(PackableStorageBase):
self.assertEqual(3, len(self._storage.undoLog()))
self._storage.pack(packtime, referencesf)
# The undo log contains only the most resent transaction
self.assertEqual(1, len(self._storage.undoLog()))
def dont_checkPackUndoLogUndoable(self):
# A disabled test. I wanted to test that the content of the
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ from ZODB import DB
from ZODB.serialize import referencesf
from ZODB.utils import load_current
from ZODB.tests.util import time_monotonically_increases
import time
......@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ class RecoveryStorage(IteratorDeepCompare):
def checkPackWithGCOnDestinationAfterRestore(self):
raises = self.assertRaises
db = DB(self._storage)
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ from ZODB.Connection import TransactionMetaData
from ZODB.tests.MinPO import MinPO
from ZODB.tests.StorageTestBase import zodb_unpickle, zodb_pickle, snooze
from ZODB.utils import p64, u64, load_current
from ZODB.tests.util import time_monotonically_increases
ZERO = '\0'*8
......@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ class RevisionStorage(object):
data = self._storage.loadSerial(oid, revid)
self.assertEqual(zodb_unpickle(data), value)
def checkLoadBefore(self):
# Store 10 revisions of one object and then make sure that we
# can get all the non-current revisions back.
......@@ -89,6 +91,7 @@ class RevisionStorage(object):
self.assertEqual(start, revid1)
self.assertEqual(end, revid2)
def checkLoadBeforeOld(self):
# Look for a very old revision. With the BaseStorage implementation
# this should require multple history() calls.
......@@ -378,7 +378,12 @@ class CacheErrors(unittest.TestCase):
# structure that adds a new reference to None for each executed
# line of code, which interferes with this test. So check it
# only if we're running without coverage tracing.
self.assertEqual(rc(None), nones)
# On Python 3.7, we can see the value of reference counts
# to None actually go *down* by a few. Possibly it has to
# do with the lazy tracking of frames?
# (
self.assertLessEqual(rc(None), nones)
def testTwoCaches(self):
jar2 = StubDataManager()
......@@ -18,11 +18,7 @@ from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
from ZODB.tests.testConfig import ConfigTestBase
from ZODB._compat import Pickler, Unpickler, _protocol
import os
if os.environ.get('USE_ZOPE_TESTING_DOCTEST'):
from zope.testing import doctest
import doctest
import doctest
import os
import random
......@@ -40,12 +36,7 @@ import ZODB.tests.StorageTestBase
import ZODB.tests.util
import zope.testing.renormalizing
from StringIO import StringIO as BytesIO
except ImportError:
# Py3
from io import BytesIO
from io import BytesIO
file_type = file
......@@ -67,7 +58,11 @@ def new_time():
now = new_time = time.time()
while new_time <= now:
new_time = time.time()
if time.time() - new_time < 1.0:
# Detect if we're in a time monotonically increasing
# layer (two back-to-back calls of time.time() advance the clock
# by a whole second); if so, we don't need to sleep
return new_time
......@@ -703,6 +698,14 @@ def setUp(test):
test.globs['rmtree'] = zope.testing.setupstack.rmtree
def timeIncreasesSetUp(test):
l = test.globs['time_layer'] = ZODB.tests.util.MonotonicallyIncreasingTimeMinimalTestLayer('')
def timeIncreasesTearDown(test):
def setUpBlobAdaptedFileStorage(test):
......@@ -791,7 +794,7 @@ def storage_reusable_suite(prefix, factory,
if test_undo:
suite.layer = ZODB.tests.util.MininalTestLayer(prefix+'BlobTests')
suite.layer = ZODB.tests.util.MonotonicallyIncreasingTimeMinimalTestLayer(prefix+'BlobTests')
return suite
......@@ -804,12 +807,18 @@ def test_suite():
......@@ -29,6 +29,19 @@ from ZODB.Connection import TransactionMetaData
import zope.testing.setupstack
from zope.testing import renormalizing
from unittest import mock
except ImportError:
import mock
import six
import functools
from time import time as _real_time
from time import gmtime as _real_gmtime
_current_time = _real_time()
checker = renormalizing.RENormalizing([
(re.compile("<(.*?) object at 0x[0-9a-f]*?>"),
r"<\1 object at 0x000000000000>"),
......@@ -206,3 +219,122 @@ def clear_transaction_syncs():
for this.
class _TimeWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, granularity=1.0):
self._granularity = granularity
self._lock = ZODB.utils.Lock()
self.fake_gmtime = mock.Mock()
self.fake_time = mock.Mock()
def _configure_fakes(self):
def incr():
global _current_time # pylint:disable=global-statement
with self._lock:
_current_time = max(_real_time(), _current_time + self._granularity)
return _current_time
self.fake_time.side_effect = incr
def incr_gmtime(seconds=None):
if seconds is not None:
now = seconds
now = incr()
return _real_gmtime(now)
self.fake_gmtime.side_effect = incr_gmtime
def install_fakes(self):
time.time = self.fake_time
time.gmtime = self.fake_gmtime
__enter__ = install_fakes
def close(self, *args):
time.time = _real_time
time.gmtime = _real_gmtime
__exit__ = close
def __call__(self, func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
with self:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def time_monotonically_increases(func_or_granularity):
Decorate a unittest method with this function to cause the value
of :func:`time.time` and :func:`time.gmtime` to monotonically
increase by one each time it is called. This ensures things like
last modified dates always increase.
We make three guarantees about the value of :func:`time.time`
returned while the decorated function is running:
1. It is always *at least* the value of the *real*
2. Each call returns a value greater than the previous call;
3. Those two constraints hold across different invocations of
functions decorated. This decorator can be applied to a
method in a test case::
class TestThing(unittest.TestCase)
def test_method(self):
t = time.time()
It can also be applied to a bare function taking any number of
def utility_function(a, b, c=1):
t = time.time()
By default, the time will be incremented in 1.0 second intervals.
You can specify a particular granularity as an argument; this is
useful to keep from running too far ahead of the real clock::
def smaller_increment():
t1 = time.time()
t2 = time.time()
assrt t2 == t1 + 0.1
if isinstance(func_or_granularity, (six.integer_types, float)):
# We're being used as a factory.
wrapper_factory = _TimeWrapper(func_or_granularity)
return wrapper_factory
# We're being used bare
wrapper_factory = _TimeWrapper()
return wrapper_factory(func_or_granularity)
def reset_monotonic_time(value=0.0):
Make the monotonic clock return the real time on its next
global _current_time # pylint:disable=global-statement
_current_time = value
class MonotonicallyIncreasingTimeMinimalTestLayer(MininalTestLayer):
def testSetUp(self):
self.time_manager = _TimeWrapper()
def testTearDown(self):
......@@ -13,10 +13,7 @@ envlist = py27,py34,py35,py36,py37,pypy,pypy3
# out of the tox site-packages.
usedevelop = true
commands =
# Run unit tests first.
zope-testrunner -u --test-path=src []
# Only run functional tests if unit tests pass.
zope-testrunner -f -j5 --test-path=src []
zope-testrunner --test-path=src []
deps =
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