Commit 636b00cc authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

Updated release info.

parent aa76ed87
......@@ -22,6 +22,27 @@ New Features
XXX There are known issues with this implementation that need to be
sorted out before it is "released".
3.9.0a8 (2008-12-15)
New Features
- Made ZEO Clieny Blob Cache control a bit more rational. Now, when
checking the cache size, the target is::
blob-cache-size * (100 - blob-cache-size-check) / 100
The makes it far more likely (but doesn't guarantee) that the blob
cache size will remain under the maximum.
The blob-cache-size check was reduced to 10%.
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed a bug in the logic to reduce the blob cache size.
3.9.0a7 (2008-12-05)
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