Commit 6602645f authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

Don't update the cache lastTid until we've invalidated a value (rather

than before).  It's possible that process shutdown after updating
lastTid but before invalidating the current record could explain some
problems we've seen on restarts.

(This change is made irrelevent by later changes.)
parent b3c1d30e
......@@ -379,10 +379,14 @@ class ClientCache(object):
# recent tid.
def setLastTid(self, tid):
if self.tid is not None and tid <= self.tid:
if (not tid) or (tid == z64):
if (self.tid is not None) and (tid <= self.tid):
if tid == self.tid:
return # Be a little forgiving
raise ValueError("new last tid (%s) must be greater than "
"previous one (%s)" % (u64(tid),
"previous one (%s)"
% (u64(tid), u64(self.tid)))
assert isinstance(tid, str) and len(tid) == 8, tid
self.tid = tid
......@@ -631,20 +635,11 @@ class ClientCache(object):
def invalidate(self, oid, version, tid, server_invalidation=True):
if tid is not None:
if tid > self.tid:
elif tid < self.tid:
if server_invalidation:
raise ValueError("invalidation tid (%s) must not be less"
" than previous one (%s)" %
(u64(tid), u64(self.tid)))
ofs = self.current.get(oid)
if ofs is None:
# 0x10 == invalidate (miss)
self._trace(0x10, oid, version, tid)
return self.setLastTid(tid)
read =
......@@ -672,6 +667,8 @@ class ClientCache(object):
# 0x1C = invalidate (hit, saving non-current)
self._trace(0x1C, oid, version, tid)
return self.setLastTid(tid)
# Generates (oid, serial, version) triples for all objects in the
# cache. This generator is used by cache verification.
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