Commit 66a6857a authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

Refactored handling of invalidations on ZEO clients to fix

a possible ordering problem for invalidation messages.

This was motivated by code inspecition during merge of an earlier
refactoring to the trunk.  The refactoring also simplifies the code
and probably makes it a tad faster.
parent 0cac86d6
......@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ Whats new in ZODB 3.8.1
Bugs Fixed:
- (beta 8) Refactored handling of invalidations on ZEO clients to fix
a possible ordering problem for invalidation messages.
- (beta 8) An ZEO cache internal data structure can get out of sync
with the data in a way that prevents data from being loaded into the
cache. We don't yet know why, but added an exception handler to
......@@ -1240,11 +1240,9 @@ class ClientStorage(object):
# Invalidation as result of verify_cache().
# Queue an invalidate for the end the verification procedure.
if self._pickler is None:
# This should never happen. TODO: assert it doesn't, or log
# if it does.
log2("invalidateVerify with no _pickler", level=logging.ERROR)
oid, version = args
self._pickler.dump((oid, version, None))
self._pickler.dump((None, [args]))
def endVerify(self):
"""Server callback to signal end of cache validation."""
......@@ -1258,32 +1256,26 @@ class ClientStorage(object):
if catch_up:
# process catch-up invalidations
tid, invalidations = catch_up
(oid, version, tid)
for oid, version in invalidations
if self._pickler is None:
# write end-of-data marker
self._pickler.dump((None, None, None))
self._pickler.dump((None, None))
self._pickler = None
unpickler = cPickle.Unpickler(self._tfile)
min_tid = self._cache.getLastTid()
def InvalidationLogIterator():
while 1:
oid, version, tid = unpickler.load()
if oid is None:
if ((tid is None)
or (min_tid is None)
or (tid > min_tid)
yield oid, version, tid
while 1:
tid, invalidations = unpickler.load()
if invalidations is None:
if ((tid is None)
or (min_tid is None)
or (tid > min_tid)
self._process_invalidations(tid, invalidations)
self._tfile = None
......@@ -1301,34 +1293,32 @@ class ClientStorage(object):
if self._pickler is not None:
log2("Transactional invalidation during cache verification",
for oid, version in args:
self._pickler.dump((oid, version, tid))
self._pickler.dump((tid, args))
self._process_invalidations([(oid, version, tid)
for oid, version in args])
self._process_invalidations(tid, args)
def _process_invalidations(self, invs):
def _process_invalidations(self, tid, invs):
# Invalidations are sent by the ZEO server as a sequence of
# oid, version, tid triples. The DB's invalidate() method expects a
# dictionary of oids.
# versions maps version names to dictionary of invalidations
versions = {}
for oid, version, tid in invs:
for oid, version in invs:
if oid == self._load_oid:
self._load_status = 0
self._cache.invalidate(oid, version, tid)
oids = versions.get((version, tid))
oids = versions.get(version)
if not oids:
versions[(version, tid)] = [oid]
versions[version] = [oid]
if self._db is not None:
for (version, tid), d in versions.items():
self._db.invalidate(tid, d, version=version)
for version, oids in versions.items():
self._db.invalidate(tid, oids, version=version)
# The following are for compatibility with protocol version 2.0.0
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