Commit 66dd368f authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

- Fixed bug that could lead to memory errors due to the use

  of a Python disctionary for a mapping that can grow large.

(Not large enough to use a lot of memory, but large enough to cause
  malloc to fail. :()
parent 0d05863d
......@@ -5,7 +5,10 @@ Whats new in ZODB 3.8.1
Bugs Fixed:
- (???) Fixed bug #251037: Made packing of blob storages non-blocking.
- (beta 7) Fixed bug that could lead to memory errors due to the use
of a Python disctionary for a mapping that can grow large.
- (beta 7) Fixed bug #251037: Made packing of blob storages non-blocking.
- (beta 6) Fixed a bug that could cause InvalidObjectReference errors
for objects that were explicitly added to a database if the object
......@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ from ZODB.FileStorage.format import CorruptedDataError
from ZODB.loglevels import BLATHER
from ZODB.fsIndex import fsIndex
import BTrees.OOBTree
packed_version = "FS21"
logger = logging.getLogger('ZODB.FileStorage')
......@@ -229,7 +231,7 @@ class FileStorage(BaseStorage.BaseStorage,
def _newIndexes(self):
# hook to use something other than builtin dict
return fsIndex(), {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
return fsIndex(), {}, {}, {}, BTrees.OOBTree.OOBTree(), {}, {}
_saved = 0
def _save_index(self):
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