Commit aa1b3697 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Merge rev 29710 from 3.3 branch.

checkTimeoutProvokingConflicts:  try to fix rare failures.

This always slept for 3 seconds, waiting for the storage to
disconnect.  This loses on two counts:

1. Since the timeout is set to 1 second, it typically sleeps
   longer than necessary.

2. Since there's no predicting thread and process scheduling,
   3 seconds isn't always long enough, and rare failures have
   been reported against this test.

Instead we do a polling loop now.  This typically succeeds in
a little more than a second, speeding the normal case.  The
loop will continue trying for up to a minute if not.
parent 0ddb237d
......@@ -986,10 +986,10 @@ class TimeoutTests(CommonSetupTearDown):
def checkTimeoutProvokingConflicts(self):
eq = self.assertEqual
raises = self.assertRaises
unless = self.failUnless
require = self.assert_
self._storage = storage = self.openClientStorage()
# Assert that the zeo cache is empty
unless(not list(storage._cache.contents()))
# Assert that the zeo cache is empty.
require(not list(storage._cache.contents()))
# Create the object
oid = storage.new_oid()
obj = MinPO(7)
......@@ -1001,20 +1001,32 @@ class TimeoutTests(CommonSetupTearDown):
revid1b = storage.tpc_vote(t)
revid1 = handle_serials(oid, revid1a, revid1b)
# Now do a store, sleeping before the finish so as to cause a timeout
# Now do a store, sleeping before the finish so as to cause a timeout.
obj.value = 8
t = Transaction()
revid2a =, revid1, zodb_pickle(obj), '', t)
revid2b = storage.tpc_vote(t)
revid2 = handle_serials(oid, revid2a, revid2b)
# Now sleep long enough for the storage to time out
# Now sleep long enough for the storage to time out.
# This used to sleep for 3 seconds, and sometimes (but very rarely)
# failed then. Now we try for a minute. It typically succeeds
# on the second time thru the loop, and, since self.timeout is 1,
# it's typically faster now (2/1.8 ~= 1.11 seconds sleeping instead
# of 3).
deadline = time.time() + 60 # wait up to a minute
while time.time() < deadline:
if storage.is_connected():
time.sleep(self.timeout / 1.8)
unless(not storage.is_connected())
require(not storage.is_connected())
# We expect finish to fail
# We expect finish to fail.
raises(ClientDisconnected, storage.tpc_finish, t)
# Now we think we've committed the second transaction, but we really
# haven't. A third one should produce a POSKeyError on the server,
......@@ -1024,20 +1036,20 @@ class TimeoutTests(CommonSetupTearDown):
storage.tpc_begin(t), revid2, zodb_pickle(obj), '', t)
raises(ConflictError, storage.tpc_vote, t)
# Even aborting won't help
# Even aborting won't help.
# Try again
# Try again.
obj.value = 10
t = Transaction()
storage.tpc_begin(t), revid2, zodb_pickle(obj), '', t)
# Even aborting won't help
# Even aborting won't help.
raises(ConflictError, storage.tpc_vote, t)
# Abort this one and try a transaction that should succeed
# Abort this one and try a transaction that should succeed.
# Now do a store, sleeping before the finish so as to cause a timeout
# Now do a store.
obj.value = 11
t = Transaction()
......@@ -1045,7 +1057,7 @@ class TimeoutTests(CommonSetupTearDown):
revid2b = storage.tpc_vote(t)
revid2 = handle_serials(oid, revid2a, revid2b)
# Now load the object and verify that it has a value of 11
# Now load the object and verify that it has a value of 11.
data, revid = storage.load(oid, '')
eq(zodb_unpickle(data), MinPO(11))
eq(revid, revid2)
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