1. 30 May, 2000 1 commit
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      Fixed missfeature pointed out by PJE. We do not quite provide · 6b082ac2
      Jim Fulton authored
      transparent Pythonic sematics for __setattr__ and __delattr__.
      If these methods are implemented, then they *must*::
        self._p_changed=1 # prefered
        self.__changed__(1) # if people get the heebe-jeebees from setting attrs
      to manually register that an object's persistent state has changed, if,
      in fact, it has.
  2. 28 May, 2000 3 commits
  3. 27 May, 2000 2 commits
  4. 26 May, 2000 1 commit
  5. 24 May, 2000 1 commit
  6. 20 May, 2000 1 commit
  7. 17 May, 2000 3 commits
  8. 16 May, 2000 2 commits
  9. 12 May, 2000 1 commit
  10. 09 May, 2000 6 commits
  11. 05 May, 2000 2 commits
  12. 21 Apr, 2000 2 commits
  13. 20 Apr, 2000 2 commits
  14. 14 Apr, 2000 1 commit
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      Restructured to use async socket code only. · e12ae67e
      Jim Fulton authored
      This reduced the amount of code and should
      make the next step, adding failure handling,
      much easier.
      Also changed invalidation protocol to be atomic
      (or close enough).
  15. 13 Apr, 2000 1 commit
  16. 12 Apr, 2000 1 commit
  17. 08 Apr, 2000 1 commit
  18. 06 Apr, 2000 1 commit
  19. 23 Mar, 2000 1 commit
  20. 22 Mar, 2000 3 commits
  21. 06 Mar, 2000 1 commit
  22. 11 Jan, 2000 1 commit
  23. 10 Dec, 1999 2 commits
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      Fixed a bug in commiting or discarding versions. Some undone transactions · 43cd7d84
      Jim Fulton authored
      were not handled correctly.
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      On systems where the fsync system call is available, we now call · a21ecf9e
      Jim Fulton authored
      fsync when commiting transactions to make sure that transaction
      data are written to physical storage immediately. There is circumstantial
      evidence that database corruption has been caused due to problems with
      delayed write of data after Zope has flushed transaction data.
      Added logic to avoid writing empty transactions. It's imaginable that
      some future application might want to write empty transactions to
      capture transaction meta data. If this ever becomes an issue, then
      this feature would have to be made optional.