Commit 02fd1908 authored by Tres Seaver's avatar Tres Seaver

- Prevent DoS attack against decompression of tree state cookie (merged

    from 2.6 / 2.7 audit).
parent 19ec785f
......@@ -12,15 +12,16 @@
"""Rendering object hierarchies as Trees
__rcs_id__='$Id:,v 1.56 2003/12/11 22:49:17 evan Exp $'
__version__='$Revision: 1.56 $'[11:-2]
__rcs_id__='$Id:,v 1.57 2004/01/15 22:58:25 tseaver Exp $'
__version__='$Revision: 1.57 $'[11:-2]
from DocumentTemplate.DT_Util import *
from DocumentTemplate.DT_String import String
from cPickle import dumps
from string import translate
from urllib import quote, unquote
from zlib import compress, decompress
from zlib import compress, decompressobj
from binascii import b2a_base64, a2b_base64
import re
......@@ -115,15 +116,15 @@ def tpRender(self, md, section, args,
['eagle'], # eagle is open
['eagle'], ['jeep', [1983, 1985]] # eagle, jeep, 1983 jeep and 1985 jeep
where the items are object ids. The state will be converted to a
where the items are object ids. The state will be pickled to a
compressed and base64ed string that gets unencoded, uncompressed,
and evaluated on the other side.
and unpickled on the other side.
Note that ids used in state need not be connected to urls, since
state manipulation is internal to rendering logic.
Note that to make eval safe, we do not allow the character '*' in
the state.
Note that to make unpickling safe, we use the MiniPickle module,
that only creates safe objects
......@@ -333,7 +334,7 @@ def tpRenderTABLE(self, id, root_url, url, state, substate, diff, data,
# Mostly inline encode_seq for speed
if len(s) > 57: s=encode_str(s)
......@@ -523,7 +524,7 @@ def apply_diff(state, diff, expand):
def encode_seq(state):
"Convert a sequence to an encoded string"
if l > 57:
......@@ -583,10 +584,20 @@ def decode_seq(state):
if state.find('*') >= 0: raise ValueError, 'Illegal State: %s' % state
try: return list(eval(state,{'__builtins__':{}}))
try: return list(MiniUnpickler(StringIO(state)).load())
except: return []
def decompress(input,max_size=10240):
# This sillyness can go away in python 2.2
d = decompressobj()
output = ''
while input:
fragment_size = max(1,(max_size-len(output))/1000)
fragment,input = input[:fragment_size],input[fragment_size:]
output += d.decompress(fragment)
if len(output)>max_size:
raise ValueError('Compressed input too large')
return output+d.flush()
def tpStateLevel(state, level=0):
for sub in state:
......@@ -632,3 +643,79 @@ def oid(self):
#icoSpace='<IMG SRC="Blank_icon" BORDER="0">'
#icoPlus ='<IMG SRC="Plus_icon" BORDER="0">'
#icoMinus='<IMG SRC="Minus_icon" BORDER="0">'
## Everthing below here should go in a module, but keeping it
## internal makes an easier patch
import pickle
from cStringIO import StringIO
if pickle.format_version!="2.0":
# Maybe the format changed, and opened a security hole
raise 'Invalid pickle version'
class MiniUnpickler(pickle.Unpickler):
"""An unpickler that can only handle simple types.
def refuse_to_unpickle(self):
raise pickle.UnpicklingError, 'Refused'
dispatch = pickle.Unpickler.dispatch.copy()
for k,v in dispatch.items():
if k=='' or k in '().012FGIJKLMNTUVX]adeghjlpqrstu}':
# This key is necessary and safe, so leave it in the map
dispatch[k] = refuse_to_unpickle
# Anything unnecessary is banned, but here is some logic to explain why
if k in [pickle.GLOBAL, pickle.OBJ, pickle.INST, pickle.REDUCE, pickle.BUILD]:
# These are definite security holes
elif k in [pickle.PERSID, pickle.BINPERSID]:
# These are just unnecessary
elif k in [pickle.STRING]:
# This one is controversial: A string is harmlessm, but the
# implementation of pickle leaks memory (strings may be interned)
# The problem can be avoided by using binary pickles.
del k
del v
def _should_succeed(x,binary=1):
if x != MiniUnpickler(StringIO(pickle.dumps(x,binary))).load():
raise ValueError(x)
def _should_fail(x,binary=1):
raise ValueError(x)
except pickle.UnpicklingError, e:
if e[0]!='Refused': raise ValueError(x)
class _junk_class: pass
def _test():
# Test MiniPickle on every import
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