Commit 0cb01170 authored by 's avatar

- backported changes from trunk

parent 8ac25879
......@@ -20,12 +20,10 @@ item types.
import inspect
import marshal
import re
import sys
import time
import warnings
from AccessControl.SecurityInfo import ClassSecurityInfo
from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import getSecurityManager
......@@ -118,7 +116,7 @@ class Item(Base,
# Alias id to __name__, which will make tracebacks a good bit nicer:
__name__=ComputedAttribute(lambda self: self.getId())
# Name, relative to SOFTWARE_URL of icon used to display item
# Name, relative to BASEPATH1 of icon used to display item
# in folder listings.
......@@ -239,35 +237,10 @@ class Item(Base,
handle_errors = getattr(getattr(REQUEST, 'RESPONSE', None),
'handle_errors', False)
# Can we re-raise the exception with a rendered-to-HTML
# exception value? To be able to do so, the exception
# constructor needs to be able to take more than two
# arguments (some Zope 3 exceptions can't).
can_raise = False
ctor = getattr(error_type, '__init__', None)
if inspect.ismethoddescriptor(ctor):
# If it's a method descriptor, it means we've got a
# base ``__init__`` method that was not overriden,
# likely from the base ``Exception`` class.
can_raise = True
if inspect.ismethod(ctor):
ctor = getattr(ctor, 'im_func', None)
if inspect.isbuiltin(ctor):
# In Python 2.4, the ``__init__`` method of the
# base ``Exception`` class is a ``builtin
# method``.
can_raise = True
elif ctor is not None and inspect.isfunction(ctor):
can_raise = (
len(inspect.getargspec(error_type.__init__)[0]) > 2)
if not (can_raise and handle_errors):
# If we have been asked not to handle errors and we
# can't re-raise a transformed exception don't even
# bother with transforming the exception into
# HTML. Just re-raise the original exception right
# away.
if not handle_errors:
# If we have been asked not to handle errors don't even bother
# with transforming the exception into HTML. Just re-raise the
# original exception right away.
raise error_type, error_value, tb
......@@ -306,12 +279,9 @@ class Item(Base,
if handle_errors:
# If we've been asked to handle errors, just
# return the rendered exception and let the
# ZPublisher Exception Hook deal with it.
return error_type, v, tb
raise error_type, v, tb
# If we've been asked to handle errors, just return the rendered
# exception and let the ZPublisher Exception Hook deal with it.
return error_type, v, tb
if hasattr(self, '_v_eek'): del self._v_eek
tb = None
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