Commit 0cdc4eef authored by Stefan H. Holek's avatar Stefan H. Holek

Merged trunk r77296 into 2.10 branch.

Collector #1306: Missing acquisition context on local roles screen.
parent f9058baa
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ Zope Changes
Bugs fixed
- Collector #1306: Missing acquisition context on local roles screen.
- Collector #2153: Supporting unquoted cookies with spaces.
- The REQUEST no longer accepts holds after it has been closed.
......@@ -345,11 +345,12 @@ class RoleManager(ExtensionClass.Base, PermissionMapping.RoleManager):
if mlu < 0: raise OverflowError
un = getattr(aclu, 'user_names', _notfound)
if un is not _notfound:
un = aclu.__of__(item).user_names # rewrap
unl = un()
# maxlistusers of 0 is list all
if len(unl) > mlu and mlu != 0:
raise OverflowError
for name in un():
for name in unl:
item = getattr(item, 'aq_parent', _notfound)
if item is _notfound:
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