Commit 0ecc15c2 authored by 's avatar

*** empty log message ***

parent b29468f8
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class ZCommonSheet(OFS.PropertySheets.PropertySheet, OFS.SimpleItem.Item):
return """
<!--#in %s-->
<!--#var sequence-item-->
<!--#in %s-->
<!--#/in %s-->
""" % (id, id)
def manage_createView(self, id, title='', ps_view_type=None, REQUEST=None):
......@@ -425,8 +425,8 @@ class ZClassSheets(OFS.PropertySheets.PropertySheets):
class ZObject:
{'label': 'Basic', 'action' :'propertysheets/basic/manage'},
{'label': 'Methods', 'action' :'propertysheets/methods/manage'},
{'label': 'Basic', 'action' :'propertysheets/basic/manage'},
{'label': 'Views', 'action' :'propertysheets/views/manage'},
{'label': 'Property Sheets', 'action' :'propertysheets/common/manage'},
{'label': 'Permissions',
"""HTTP 1.1 / WebDAV client library."""
__version__='$Revision: 1.8 $'[11:-2]
__version__='$Revision: 1.9 $'[11:-2]
import sys, os, string, regex, time, types
import socket, httplib, mimetools
......@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ def marshal_list(name, seq, tname='list', lt=type([]), tt=type(())):
if tp in (lt, tt):
raise TypeError, 'Invalid recursion in data to be marshaled.'
result.append(marshal_whatever("%s:%s" % (name, tname), v))
result.append(marshal_var("%s:%s" % (name, tname), v))
return string.join(result, '&')
def marshal_tuple(name, seq):
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