Commit 1c42c045 authored by Stefan H. Holek's avatar Stefan H. Holek

Implemented a --nowarnings flag for

Makes running CMF and Plone tests a lot less annoying.

Usage: ./bin/zopectl test --keepbytecode --nowarnings --dir Products/CMFPlone
parent 7a46ecdd
......@@ -104,6 +104,9 @@ named .testinfo, it will not be searched for tests. Really.)
Keep running the selected tests in a loop. You may experience
memory leakage.
Install a filter to suppress warnings emitted by code.
Time the individual tests and print a list of the top 50, sorted from
longest to shortest.
......@@ -759,6 +762,7 @@ def process_args(argv=None):
global test_dir
global config_file
global import_testing
global no_warnings
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
......@@ -789,11 +793,12 @@ def process_args(argv=None):
test_dir = None
config_file = None
import_testing = False
no_warnings = False
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "a:bcC:dDfg:G:hLmprtTuv",
["all", "help", "libdir=", "times=",
"keepbytecode", "dir=",
"keepbytecode", "nowarnings", "dir=",
"config-file=", "import-testing",
"coverage", "profile", "hotshot"])
except getopt.error, msg:
......@@ -872,6 +877,12 @@ def process_args(argv=None):
config_file = v
elif k == '--import-testing':
import_testing = True
elif k == '--nowarnings':
no_warnings = True
if no_warnings:
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', Warning, append=1)
if gcthresh is not None:
if gcthresh == 0:
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