Commit 1dff9e98 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Add opcode implementation for "mode".

Properly implement tal:replace="structure ..." combined with
tal:attributes="...", both in HTML and in XML mode.  This is pretty
tricky, and requires instantiating a parser with a modified code
generator which suppresses any TAL/METAL interpretation but does the
attribute replacement on the first encountered start tag as required
by the TAL 1.0 specs.
parent 08e7613c
......@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ try:
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO
from XMLParser import XMLParser
from TALDefs import TALError, TALESError, quote, TAL_VERSION
from TALGenerator import TALGenerator
# List of Boolean attributes in HTML that should be rendered in
......@@ -118,6 +118,35 @@ EMPTY_HTML_TAGS = [
"input", "col", "basefont", "isindex", "frame",
class AltTALGenerator(TALGenerator):
def __init__(self, repldict, expressionCompiler=None, xml=0):
self.repldict = repldict
self.enabled = 1
TALGenerator.__init__(self, expressionCompiler, xml)
def enable(self, enabled):
self.enabled = enabled
def emit(self, *args):
if self.enabled:
apply(TALGenerator.emit, (self,) + args)
def emitStartElement(self, name, attrlist, taldict, metaldict,
position=(None, None), isend=0):
metaldict = {}
taldict = {}
if self.enabled and self.repldict:
taldict["attributes"] = ""
TALGenerator.emitStartElement(self, name, attrlist,
taldict, metaldict, position, isend)
def replaceAttrs(self, attrlist, repldict):
if self.enabled and self.repldict:
repldict = self.repldict
self.repldict = None
return TALGenerator.replaceAttrs(self, attrlist, repldict)
class TALInterpreter:
def __init__(self, program, macros, engine, stream=None,
......@@ -180,6 +209,10 @@ class TALInterpreter:
def do_version(self, version):
assert version == TAL_VERSION
def do_mode(self, mode):
assert mode in ["html", "xml"]
self.html = (mode == "html")
def do_setPosition(self, position):
self.position = position
......@@ -262,19 +295,32 @@ class TALInterpreter:
structure = self.engine.evaluateStructure(expr)
if structure is None:
if repldict:
raise TALError("replace structure with attribute replacements "
"not yet implemented", self.position)
text = str(structure)
self.stream_write(text) # No quoting -- this is intentional
if self.html:
self.insertHTMLStructure(text, repldict)
self.insertXMLStructure(text, repldict)
def checkXMLSyntax(self, text):
# XXX This is a bit of a hack!
text = '<!DOCTYPE foo PUBLIC "foo" "bar"><foo>%s</foo>' % text
p = XMLParser()
def insertHTMLStructure(self, text, repldict):
from HTMLTALParser import HTMLTALParser
gen = AltTALGenerator(repldict, self.engine, 0)
p = HTMLTALParser(gen) # Raises an exception if text is invalid
# If this succeeds without errors, we're fine
program, macros = p.getCode()
def insertXMLStructure(self, text, repldict):
from TALParser import TALParser
gen = AltTALGenerator(repldict, self.engine, 0)
p = TALParser(gen)
p.parseFragment('<!DOCTYPE foo PUBLIC "foo" "bar"><foo>')
p.parseFragment(text) # Raises an exception if text is invalid
p.parseFragment('</foo>', 1)
program, macros = gen.getCode()
def do_loop(self, name, expr, block):
if not self.tal:
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