Commit 1ed2f06e authored by Chris Withers's avatar Chris Withers

- use an ordered mapping so we dump the oldest stuff from the cache first

- remove the pointless check for cache time being enabled inside _cached_result - _cached_result isn't actually called if caching isn't enabled
- slight code tidy in
- lots of comments in the and's _cached_result method
parent c3838d6d
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ from AccessControl.DTML import RestrictedDTML
from webdav.Resource import Resource
from webdav.Lockable import ResourceLockedError
from zExceptions import BadRequest
from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBucket as Bucket
class DatabaseError(BadRequest):
......@@ -352,27 +352,52 @@ class DA(
def _searchable_result_columns(self): return self._col
def _cached_result(self, DB__, query, max_rows, conn_id):
# Try to fetch a result from the cache.
# Compute and cache the result otherwise.
# Also maintains the cache and ensures stale entries
# are never returned and that the cache never gets too large.
# NB: Correct cache behavior is predicated on Bucket.keys()
# returning a sequence ordered from smalled number
# (ie: the oldest cache entry) to largest number
# (ie: the newest cache entry). Please be careful if you
# change the class instantied below!
# get hold of a cache
caches = getattr(self,'_v_cache',None)
if caches is None:
caches = self._v_cache = {}, Bucket()
cache, tcache = caches
# the key for caching
cache_key = query,max_rows,conn_id
# Try to fetch from cache
if hasattr(self,'_v_cache'): cache=self._v_cache
else: cache=self._v_cache={}, Bucket()
cache, tcache = cache
# the maximum number of result sets to cache
# the current time
# the oldest time which is not stale
# if the cache is too big, we purge entries from it
if len(cache) >= max_cache:
while keys and (len(keys) >= max_cache or keys[-1] < t):
# We also hoover out any stale entries, as we're
# already doing cache minimisation.
# 'keys' is ordered, so we purge the oldest results
# until the cache is small enough and there are no
# stale entries in it
while keys and (len(keys) >= max_cache or keys[0] < t):
del tcache[key]
del cache[q]
del keys[-1]
del keys[0]
# okay, now see if we have a cached result
if cache.has_key(cache_key):
k, r = cache[cache_key]
# the result may still be stale, as we only hoover out
# stale results above if the cache gets too large.
if k > t:
# yay! a cached result returned!
return r
......@@ -383,22 +408,22 @@ class DA(
# call the pure query
if self.cache_time_ > 0:
# When a ZSQL method is handled by one ZPublisher thread twice in
# less time than it takes for time.time() to return a different
# value, the SQL generated is different, then this code will leak
# an entry in 'cache' for each time the ZSQL method generates
# different SQL until time.time() returns a different value.
# On Linux, you would need an extremely fast machine under extremely
# high load, making this extremely unlikely. On Windows, this is a
# little more likely, but still unlikely to be a problem.
# If it does become a problem, the values of the tcache mapping
# need to be turned into sets of cache keys rather than a single
# cache key.
cache[cache_key]= now, result
# When a ZSQL method is handled by one ZPublisher thread twice in
# less time than it takes for time.time() to return a different
# value, the SQL generated is different, then this code will leak
# an entry in 'cache' for each time the ZSQL method generates
# different SQL until time.time() returns a different value.
# On Linux, you would need an extremely fast machine under extremely
# high load, making this extremely unlikely. On Windows, this is a
# little more likely, but still unlikely to be a problem.
# If it does become a problem, the values of the tcache mapping
# need to be turned into sets of cache keys rather than a single
# cache key.
cache[cache_key]= now, result
return result
......@@ -100,8 +100,18 @@ class TestCaching(TestCase):
if result:'\n\n'+'\n'.join(result))
def test_bad_aquisition(self):
# checks that something called _v_cache isn't acquired from anywhere
from ExtensionClass import Base
class Dummy(Base):
_v_cache = 'muhahaha'
obj = Dummy()
self.da = self.da.__of__(obj)
del self.da._v_cache
def test_same_query_different_seconds(self):
# this tests a sequence set of requests for the same
# this tests a sequence of requests for the same
# query, but where the item returned is always in the cache
for t in range(1,6):
......@@ -114,8 +124,7 @@ class TestCaching(TestCase):
def test_same_query_same_second(self):
# this tests a sequence set of requests for the same
# query, but where the item returned is always in the cache
# and where the queries all occur in the same second, so
# tickling the potential cache time rounding problem
# and where the queries all occur in the same second
for t in range(11,16,1):
t = float(t)/10
......@@ -128,8 +137,6 @@ class TestCaching(TestCase):
def test_different_queries_different_second(self):
# This tests different queries being fired into the cache
# in sufficient volume to excercise the purging code
# XXX this demonstrates newer cached material being incorrectly
# dumped due to the replacement of Bucket with dict
# one
......@@ -147,28 +154,25 @@ class TestCaching(TestCase):
# three - now we drop our first cache entry
# XXX oops - because dicts have an arbitary ordering, we dumped the wrong key!
{('query1',1,'conn_id'): (1.1,'result for query1'),
{('query2',1,'conn_id'): (3.2,'result for query2'),
('query3',1,'conn_id'): (4.3,'result for query3'),},
{1.1: ('query1',1,'conn_id'),
{3.2: ('query2',1,'conn_id'),
4.3: ('query3',1,'conn_id'),}
# four - now we drop our second cache entry
# XXX oops - because dicts have an arbitary ordering, we dumped the wrong key!
{('query1',1,'conn_id'): (1.1,'result for query1'),
{('query3',1,'conn_id'): (4.3,'result for query3'),
('query4',1,'conn_id'): (8.4,'result for query4'),},
{1.1: ('query1',1,'conn_id'),
{4.3: ('query3',1,'conn_id'),
8.4: ('query4',1,'conn_id'),}
def test_different_queries_same_second(self):
# This tests different queries being fired into the cache
# in the same second.
# XXX this demonstrates newer cached material being incorrectly
# dumped due to the replacement of Bucket with dict
# in the same second in sufficient quantities to exercise
# the purging code
# one
......@@ -194,15 +198,17 @@ class TestCaching(TestCase):
# four - now we drop another cache entry
# XXX oops - because dicts have an arbitary ordering, we dumped the wrong key!
{('query2',1,'conn_id'): (1.1,'result for query2'),
{('query3',1,'conn_id'): (1.2,'result for query3'),
('query4',1,'conn_id'): (1.3,'result for query4'),},
{1.1: ('query2',1,'conn_id'),
{1.2: ('query3',1,'conn_id'),
1.3: ('query4',1,'conn_id'),}
def test_time_tcache_expires(self):
# This tests that once the cache purging code is triggered,
# it will actively hoover out all expired cache entries
# the first query gets cached
......@@ -218,7 +224,7 @@ class TestCaching(TestCase):
# the 3rd trips the max_cache trigger, so both our old queries get
# dumped
# dumped because they are past their expiration time
{('query',1,'conn_id'): (23,'result for query')},
......@@ -226,6 +232,10 @@ class TestCaching(TestCase):
def test_time_refreshed_cache(self):
# This tests that when a cached query is expired when it comes
# to check for a cached entry for that query, the stale entry is
# removed and replaced with a fresh entry.
# the first query gets cached
......@@ -258,6 +268,8 @@ class Hook:
return conn_to_use
class TestCacheKeys(TestCase):
# These tests check that the keys used for caching are unique
# in the right ways.
def _cached_result(self,DB__,query,row_count,conn_id):
self.cache_key = query,row_count,conn_id
......@@ -291,20 +303,36 @@ class TestCacheKeys(TestCase):
self.da.conn2 = DummyDA()
self.assertEqual(self.cache_key,('some sql',1000,'conn2'))
class TestFullChain(TestCase):
# This exercises both DA.__call__ and DA._cached_result.
def test_full_chain(self):
def setUp(self):
from Shared.DC.ZRDB.DA import DA
self.da = DA('da','title','conn_id','arg1 arg2','some sql')
self.da.conn_id = DummyDA()
def test_args_match(self):
# This checks is that DA._cached_result's call signature
# matches that expected by DA.__call__
# These need to be set so DA.__call__ tries for a cached result
self.da.cache_time_ = 1
self.da.max_cache_ = 1
# run the method, exercising both DA.__call__ and DA._cached_result
# currently all this checks is that DA._cached_result's call signature
# matches that expected by DA.__call__
# the actual test, will throw exceptions if things aren't right
def test_cached_result_not_called_for_no_caching(self):
# blow up the _cached_result method on our
# test instance
self.da._cached_result = None
# check we never get there with the default "no cachine"
# turn caching on
self.da.cache_time_ = 1
self.da.max_cache_ = 1
# check that we get an exception
def test_suite():
suite = TestSuite()
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