Commit 2606c799 authored by Amos Latteier's avatar Amos Latteier

Document DTML security functions.

parent ec4ff4e2
......@@ -149,7 +149,36 @@ functions: DTML Functions
sequences of key-value tuples, with ordering done on the
keys. This function is useful for constructing ordered select
SecurityCalledByExecutable() -- Return a true if the current
object (e.g. DTML document or method) is being called by an
executable (e.g. another DTML document or method, a script or a
SQL method).
SecurityCheckPermission(permission, object) -- Check whether the
security context allows the given permission on the given
object. For example, 'SecurityCheckPermission("Add Documents,
Images, and Files", this())' would return true if the current user
was authorized to create documents, images, and files in the
current location.
SecurityGetUser() -- Return the current user object. This is
normally the same as the 'REQUEST.AUTHENTICATED_USER'
object. However, the 'AUTHENTICATED_USER' object is insecure since
it can be replaced.
SecurityValidate([object] [,parent] [,name] [,value]) -- Return
true if the value is accessible to the current user. 'object' is
the object the value was accessed in, 'parent' is the container of
the value, and 'name' is the named used to access the value (for
example, if it was obtained via 'getattr'). You may omit some of
the arguments, however it is best to provide all available
SecurityValidateValue(object) -- Return true if the object is
accessible to the current user. This function is the same as
calling 'SecurityValidate(None, None, None, object)'.
str(object) -- Return a string containing a nicely printable
representation of an object. For strings, this returns the string
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