Commit 3f31a425 authored by Tres Seaver's avatar Tres Seaver

Launchpad #344098:

- In ``skel/etc/``, replaced commented-out
  ``read-only-database`` option, which is deprecated, with pointers to the
   appropos sections of ZODB's ``component.xml``.

- Updated the description of the ``zserver-read-only-mode`` directive to
  indicate its correct semantics (suppressing log / pid / lock files).
- Added deprecation to the ``read-only-database`` option, which has had no
  effect since Zope 2.6.
parent b7ed3308
......@@ -35,6 +35,13 @@ Restructuring
Bugs Fixed
- Launchpad#344098: in ``skel/etc/``, replaced commented-out
``read-only-database`` option, which is deprecated, with pointers to the
appropos sections of ZODB's ``component.xml``. Updated the description
of the ``zserver-read-only-mode`` directive to indicate its correct
semantics (suppressing log / pid / lock files). Added deprecation to the
``read-only-database`` option, which has had no effect since Zope 2.6.
- "Permission tab": correct wrong form parameter for
the user-permission report
......@@ -59,10 +59,6 @@ def datetime_format(value):
value and _setenv('DATETIME_FORMAT', value)
return value
def zserver_read_only_mode(value):
value and _setenv('ZOPE_READ_ONLY', '1')
return value
def automatically_quote_dtml_request_data(value):
not value and _setenv('ZOPE_DTML_REQUEST_AUTOQUOTE', '0')
return value
......@@ -98,7 +94,14 @@ def database_quota_size(value):
return value
def read_only_database(value):
value and _setenv('ZOPE_READ_ONLY', '1')
# This handler exists only for BBB: using the 'read-only-database'
# directive in a config file is deprecated.
if value is not None:
import warnings
warnings.warn("The 'read-only-database' configuration option is "
"deprecated; please use the correct optoin inside the "
"section defining the appropriate storage.",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return value
def zeo_client_name(value):
......@@ -462,14 +462,13 @@
<key name="zserver-read-only-mode" datatype="boolean" default="off"
<key name="zserver-read-only-mode" datatype="boolean" default="off">
If this variable is set, then the database is opened in read
only mode. If this variable is set to a string parsable by
DateTime.DateTime, then the database is opened read-only as of
the time given. Note that changes made by another process after
the database has been opened are not visible.
If this variable is set, then the server will not create or write
to any log, pid, or lock files when running. Note that this option
does *not* govern opening storages in read-only mode: for that
use, please use the appropriate flag in the section which configures
each storage.
......@@ -794,9 +793,9 @@
<key name="read-only-database" datatype="boolean"
If this directive is set to "on", the main Zope
FileStorage-backed ZODB database will be opened in read-only
Deprecated option, no longer has any effect. To configure opening
storages in read-only mode: please use the appropriate flag in the
section which configures each storage.
......@@ -736,19 +736,6 @@ instancehome $INSTANCE
# database-quota-size 1000000
# Directive: read-only-database
# Description:
# This causes the main Zope FileStorage-backed ZODB to be opened in
# read-only mode.
# Default: off
# Example:
# read-only-database on
# Directive: zeo-client-name
# Description:
......@@ -1040,6 +1027,8 @@ instancehome $INSTANCE
<zodb_db main>
# Main FileStorage database
# See .../ZODB/component.xml for directives (sectiontype
# "filestorage").
path $INSTANCE/var/Data.fs
mount-point /
......@@ -1070,6 +1059,8 @@ instancehome $INSTANCE
# # ZODB cache, in number of objects
# cache-size 5000
# <zeoclient>
# # See .../ZODB/component.xml for directives (sectiontype
# # "zeoclient").
# server localhost:8100
# storage 1
# name zeostorage
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