Commit 4130f24e authored by Andreas Jung's avatar Andreas Jung

added patch of Collector #2120

parent 907d094a
......@@ -121,12 +121,30 @@
sort -- Define the sort order for sequence items. If an item in
the sequence does not define
sort -- Define the sort order for sequence items. Parameter to the
attribute is either a sort option, or list of sort options separated
by comma. Every sort option consists of variable name, optional
comparison function name (default is cmp) and optional sort order
(default is asc).
Examples: sort="date" or sort="date,time" or
sort="title/locale,date/cmp/desc". If you want to specify sort order,
you cannot omit the function; use cmp for standard comparison.
Few predefined comparison functions available: standard cmp,
nocase (ignore string case), strcoll (alias "locale"),
strcoll_nocase (alias "locale_nocase"). Locale functions are
available only if module locale is already imported (you started Zope
with -L locale).
sort_expr -- The "sort" attribute accepts only static list of
sort options. This calculated parameter allows you to calculate the
list of sort options on the fly.
reverse -- Reverse the sequence (may be combined with sort). Note
that this can cause a huge memory use in lazy activation instances.
reverse_expr -- This calculated parameter allows you to calculate the
need of reversing on the fly.
Within an 'in' block, variables are substituted from the
elements of the iteration. The elements may be either
instance or mapping objects. In addition, the variables:
......@@ -186,7 +204,7 @@
Batch sequence insertion
When displaying a large number of objects, it is sometimes
desireable to display just a sub-sequence of the data.
desirable to display just a sub-sequence of the data.
An 'in' command may have optional parameters,
as in::
......@@ -240,14 +258,14 @@
If the original URL is: 'foo/bar?x=1&y=2', then the
rendered text (after row data are displated) will be::
rendered text (after row data are displayed) will be::
<a href="foo/bar?x=1&y=2&batch_start=20">
(Next 20 results)
If the original URL is: 'foo/bar?batch_start=10&x=1&y=2',
then the rendered text (after row data are displated)
then the rendered text (after row data are displayed)
will be::
<a href="foo/bar?x=1&y=2&batch_start=30">
......@@ -353,16 +371,16 @@
mean -- The mean of numeric values values.
variance -- The variance of numeric values computed with a
degrees of freedom qeual to the count - 1.
degrees of freedom equal to the count - 1.
variance-n -- The variance of numeric values computed with a
degrees of freedom qeual to the count.
degrees of freedom equal to the count.
standard-deviation -- The standard deviation of numeric values
computed with a degrees of freedom qeual to the count - 1.
computed with a degrees of freedom equal to the count - 1.
standard-deviation-n -- The standard deviation of numeric
values computed with a degrees of freedom qeual to the count.
values computed with a degrees of freedom equal to the count.
Missing values are either 'None' or the attribute 'Value'
of the module 'Missing', if present.
......@@ -382,12 +400,12 @@
''' #'
__rcs_id__='$Id:,v 1.46 2001/03/08 18:35:39 brian Exp $'
__version__='$Revision: 1.46 $'[11:-2]
__rcs_id__='$Id:,v 1.47 2001/04/12 14:53:53 andreas Exp $'
__version__='$Revision: 1.47 $'[11:-2]
from DT_Util import ParseError, parse_params, name_param, str
from DT_Util import render_blocks, InstanceDict, ValidationError, VSEval, expr_globals
from string import find, atoi, join, split
from string import find, atoi, join, split, lower
import ts_regex
from DT_InSV import sequence_variables, opt
......@@ -499,9 +517,9 @@ class InClass:
if self.sort_expr is not None:
sequence=self.sort_sequence(sequence, md)
elif self.sort is not None:
sequence=self.sort_sequence(sequence, md)
if self.reverse_expr is not None and self.reverse_expr.eval(md):
......@@ -663,9 +681,9 @@ class InClass:
if self.sort_expr is not None:
sequence=self.sort_sequence(sequence, md)
elif self.sort is not None:
sequence=self.sort_sequence(sequence, md)
if self.reverse_expr is not None and self.reverse_expr.eval(md):
......@@ -722,17 +740,35 @@ class InClass:
return result
def sort_sequence(self, sequence):
def sort_sequence(self, sequence, md):
# Modified with multiple sort fields by Ross Lazarus
# April 7 2000
# eg <dtml in "foo" sort=akey,anotherkey>
# eg <dtml-in "foo" sort="akey,anotherkey">
# Modified with advanced sort functions by
# Oleg Broytmann <> 30 Mar 2001
# eg <dtml-in "foo" sort="akey/nocase,anotherkey/cmp/desc">
sortfields = split(sort,',') # multi sort = key1,key2
need_sortfunc = find(sort, '/') >= 0
sortfields = split(sort, ',') # multi sort = key1,key2
multsort = len(sortfields) > 1 # flag: is multiple sort
if need_sortfunc:
# prepare the list of functions and sort order multipliers
sf_list = make_sortfunctions(sortfields, md)
# clean the mess a bit
if multsort: # More than one sort key.
sortfields = map(lambda x: x[0], sf_list)
sort = sf_list[0][0]
isort=not sort
for client in sequence:
k = None
......@@ -766,7 +802,11 @@ class InClass:
if need_sortfunc:
by = SortBy(multsort, sf_list)
for k, client in s:
......@@ -791,3 +831,95 @@ def int_param(params,md,name,default=0, st=type('')):
if type(v) is st: v=atoi(v)
return v
# phd: Advanced sort support
def nocase(str1, str2):
return cmp(lower(str1), lower(str2))
import sys
if sys.modules.has_key("locale"): # only if locale is already imported
from locale import strcoll
def strcoll_nocase(str1, str2):
return strcoll(lower(str1), lower(str2))
def make_sortfunctions(sortfields, md):
"""Accepts a list of sort fields; splits every field, finds comparison
function. Returns a list of 3-tuples (field, cmp_function, asc_multplier)"""
sf_list = []
for field in sortfields:
f = split(field, '/')
l = len(f)
if l == 1:
elif l == 2:
elif l == 3:
raise SyntaxError, "sort option must contains no more than 2 slashes"
f_name = f[1]
# predefined function?
if f_name == "cmp":
func = cmp # builtin
elif f_name == "nocase":
func = nocase
elif f_name in ("locale", "strcoll"):
func = strcoll
elif f_name in ("locale_nocase", "strcoll_nocase"):
func = strcoll_nocase
else: # no - look it up in the namespace
func = md.getitem(f_name, 0)
sort_order = lower(f[2])
if sort_order == "asc":
multiplier = +1
elif sort_order == "desc":
multiplier = -1
raise SyntaxError, "sort oder must be either ASC or DESC"
sf_list.append((f[0], func, multiplier))
return sf_list
class SortBy:
def __init__(self, multsort, sf_list):
self.multsort = multsort
self.sf_list = sf_list
def __call__(self, o1, o2):
multsort = self.multsort
if multsort:
o1 = o1[0] # if multsort - take the first element (key list)
o2 = o2[0]
sf_list = self.sf_list
l = len(sf_list)
# assert that o1 and o2 are tuples of apropriate length
assert len(o1) == l + 1 - multsort, "%s, %d" % (o1, l + multsort)
assert len(o2) == l + 1 - multsort, "%s, %d" % (o2, l + multsort)
# now run through the list of functions in sf_list and
# compare every object in o1 and o2
for i in range(l):
# if multsort - we already extracted the key list
# if not multsort - i is 0, and the 0th element is the key
c1, c2 = o1[i], o2[i]
func, multiplier = sf_list[i][1:3]
n = func(c1, c2)
if n: return n*multiplier
# all functions returned 0 - identical sequences
return 0
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