Commit 4a79eab6 authored by 's avatar

- removed obsolete txt files

parent 26b44e63
Catalog Changes
This file gives information about changes made to this product
over time, things that need to be done before the next release
and future plans.
Catalog 1.0.0a1
Features Added
- Initial release
Bugs Fixed
- Initial release
Notes for Zope 2.0
Catalog now comes with the Zope core, there is no need to install it.
This is the ZCatalog product for the Z Object Publishing
****** IMPORTANT ******
This product contains no binaries, and should install
identically on all platforms.
o Extract the distribution file into the top-level
directory of your Zope installation.
o Restart your Zope installation.
Notes for Zope 2.5
Zope 2.5 now fully supports unicode. The unicode supports
keyword indexes and text indexes.
- Properties to be indexed using a KeywordIndex may
now contain strings and/or unicode strings. Queries
on KeywordIndexes now support also unicode strings.
- Properties to be indexed with a TextIndex can be either
strings or unicode strings. The corresponding TextIndex
*must* use a vocabulary that uses the new UnicodeSplitter.
The UnicodeSplitter will not be the default splitter so
the standard vocabulary of the ZCatalog will not support
unicode except it is replaced with a new vocabulary using
the unicode splitter. When using an unicode-enabled TextIndex
it is not neccessary that the corresponding attribute/method
of the indexed object must be a unicode string. If it is
a standard normal string then this string is converted
to unicode using ISO-8859-1 encoding. A different encoding
can be defined by an attribute '<attribute>_encoding' providing
the encoding.
- Using a KeywordIndex with unicode strings is slightly different.
In general you can mix columns containing unicode strings and
standard Python string to be indexed using a KeywordIndex. For
internal reasons it is neccessary to change Pythons default
encoding (set in of the Python installation) if any
to the keyword uses a non-ascii encoding (e.g. using accented
Notes for Zope 2.8:
reindexIndex() and refreshCatalog() accept a new optional parameter
'pghandler' which must be a handler instance implementing the
IProgressHandler interface (see This can be useful
to provide logging during long running operations.
Example to reindex a catalog using zopectl:
> zopectl debug
From the zopectl shell:
> from Products.ZCatalog.ProgressHandler import StdoutHandler
> from Products.ZCatalog.ProgressHandler import ZLogHandler
> # Reference to the portal catalog of some CMF site unter
> # /cmfsite/portal_catalog
> cat = app.cmfsite.portal_catalog
> # Refreshing a single index
> cat.reindexIndex('SearchableText', None, pghandler=StdoutHandler())
> # Let's refresh the whole catalog
> cat.refreshCatalog(pghandler=ZLogHandler())
> # Don't forget to commit
> import transaction
> transaction.commit()
The constructor of the handler can be given an optional parameter
'steps' (default is 100) that specifies after how much iterations
the progress should be reported.
You might also checkout utilities/ (a script to perform
ZCatalog maintenance operations from the command line).
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