Commit 60f2b77e authored by Hanno Schlichting's avatar Hanno Schlichting

Removed some more references to Acquisition

parent 705edbea
......@@ -17,9 +17,7 @@ $Id$
from Acquisition import aq_base
from Acquisition import aq_get
from Acquisition import aq_parent
from AccessControl import getSecurityManager
from Products.PageTemplates.Expressions import SecureModuleImporter
from Products.PageTemplates.Expressions import createTrustedZopeEngine
......@@ -188,18 +188,15 @@ information is used:
Now we test a provider using a PageTemplateFile to render itself. It must
inherit from an Acquisition base class so that the template can use Zope 2
security mechanisms:
Now we test a provider using a PageTemplateFile to render itself:
>>> import os, tempfile
>>> temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
>>> dynTemplate = os.path.join(temp_dir, '')
>>> open(dynTemplate, 'w').write(
... 'A simple template: <tal:simple replace="python:view.my_property" />')
>>> from Acquisition import Explicit
>>> from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ZopeTwoPageTemplateFile
>>> class TemplateProvider(Explicit):
>>> class TemplateProvider(object):
... zope.component.adapts(zope.interface.Interface,
... browser.IDefaultBrowserLayer,
... zope.interface.Interface)
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ def findSite(obj, iface=ISite):
"""Find a site by walking up the object hierarchy, supporting both
the ``ILocation`` API and Zope 2 Acquisition."""
while obj is not None and not iface.providedBy(obj):
obj = getattr(obj, '__parent__', aq_parent(aq_inner(obj)))
obj = aq_parent(aq_inner(obj))
return obj
......@@ -271,13 +271,6 @@ view class are:
* They need to be initialized with the Zope 2 security system, as
otherwise you cannot use the view.
* This also means they need to be part of the Zope 2 acquisition
system, as this is a requirement for Zope 2 security to
function. The ``BrowserView`` base class, available from
``Products.Five``, already inherits from ``Acquisition.Explicit`` to
make this be the case. Acquisition is explicit so no attributes can
be acquired by accident.
An example of a simple view::
from Products.Five import BrowserView
......@@ -14,11 +14,9 @@
"""Five-compatible version of ObjectWidget
This is needed because ObjectWidget uses ViewPageTemplateFile whose
macro definition is unfortunately incompatible with
ZopeTwoPageTemplateFile. So this subclass uses
ZopeTwoPageTemplateFile for the template that renders the widget's
sub-editform. Acquisition has to be mixed in to provide the
ZopeTwoPageTemplateFile with the proper acquisition context.
macro definition is unfortunately incompatible with ZopeTwoPageTemplateFile.
So this subclass uses ZopeTwoPageTemplateFile for the template that renders
the widget's sub-editform.
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