Commit 6bdeaba7 authored by Hanno Schlichting's avatar Hanno Schlichting

Removed even more deprecated stuff

parent f05dfa8f
......@@ -20,12 +20,11 @@ $Id$
import logging
from zope.component import getUtility
from zope.component.interfaces import ComponentLookupError
from zope.component import queryUtility
from zope.interface import implements
from zope.tales.tales import Context, Iterator
from zope.tales.expressions import PathExpr, StringExpr, NotExpr
from zope.tales.expressions import DeferExpr, SubPathExpr, Undefs
from zope.tales.expressions import DeferExpr, Undefs
from zope.tales.pythonexpr import PythonExpr
from zope.traversing.interfaces import ITraversable
from zope.traversing.adapters import traversePathElement
......@@ -47,15 +46,6 @@ SecureModuleImporter = ZRPythonExpr._SecureModuleImporter()
LOG = logging.getLogger('Expressions')
# BBB 2005/05/01 -- remove after 12 months
import zope.deprecation
from zope.deprecation import deprecate
("StringExpr", "NotExpr", "PathExpr", "SubPathExpr", "Undefs"),
"Zope 2 uses the Zope 3 ZPT engine now. Expression types can be "
"imported from zope.tales.expressions."
# In Zope 2 traversal semantics, NotFound or Unauthorized (the Zope 2
# versions) indicate that traversal has failed. By default, Zope 3's
# TALES engine doesn't recognize them as such which is why we extend
......@@ -223,9 +213,8 @@ class ZopeContext(Context):
# This should not be a problem since it won't change the old
# default behavior
resolver = getUtility(IUnicodeEncodingConflictResolver)
except ComponentLookupError:
resolver = queryUtility(IUnicodeEncodingConflictResolver)
if resolver is None:
return unicode(text)
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