Commit 86266894 authored by Hanno Schlichting's avatar Hanno Schlichting

Removed todo. All of the mentioned items are really outdated.

parent cfeee27b
The following is a TODO list dealing with installation and startup
changes proposed for the Zope trunk. It is organized into these
"BEFORE 2.7 FINAL" (things that need to be done before we're
finished, but not currently on the critical path)
"MAYBE NEVER BUT NICE TO HAVE" (items that are not on any critical
"COMMUNITY CONCERNS" (uncategorized concerns dealing with features
missing from HEAD and prior 2.7 releases)
Provide more intuitive command line option overrides
Currently, you can override config file options by using the
-X command line switch to, followed by key/value
pairs separated by an equal sign.
This isn't explained anywhere and I'm not sure what limitations
it has (can you change any value in the config file this way?).
Zope-specific command-line options that don't require the -X
(e.g. --event-log-file=something) should be provided to the
user via changes to Zope/Startup/options/ZopeOptions.
Make 'runzope -h' work and give better error messages when a configuration
fails to make the grade.
Currently runzope -h just emits a traceback, and the message printed by says to run ' -h' which can't work because things that
it needs to import aren't on the PYTHONPATH.
Config file needs better inline docs
The Zope ZConfig config file has some inline docs. They need to be
completed. Additional docs may come as a result of writing a schema-to-HTML
Make as many things defaultable as feasible
Maybe we can allow a config file in which everything is commented
out. We'll see.
Write some more unit tests
Write unit tests for Zope.Startup packages.
What to do about envvars?
Envvars are still used "under the hood" in ZConfig handlers as the
result of particular configuration declarations in order to make
Zope do the right thing (e.g. INSTANCE_HOME, SOFTWARE_HOME,
are set in ZConfig handlers for their respective keys). But envvars
should not be used to try to configure Zope, as the handlers
overwrite existing envvars with prejudice. We need to come down on
one side or the other about envvars.. either they should be
respected at startup as they always have been or they should be
explicitly not respected. Currently they are not respected.
We need to communicate this decision to developers and update
doc/ENVIRONMENT.txt as necessary.
win32-eventlog needs testing
The "win32-eventlog" log handler (which is creatable via the config
file) needs to be tested.
Note: As of Jul 6, 2003, it has been confirmed to not work. The
service name that it is logging under ("Zope") is not registered
with the NT event service properly, causing a warning to be
written to the log every time a log call is made.
Server construction errors need to be better
When a server is constructed, it attempts to bind to a port. If the
port cannot be bound, an error is raised. The error currently doesn't
include the port number, and should.
I propose that we add two more options to the config file:
Create import-directory and extensions-directory directives
These would both be multikeys which specify some number of
directories that contained importable zexp files and external
methods, respectively. This would allow us to not require any fixed
instance home directory. Instead, each path required by each
subsystem is specifiable by itself in the config file.
I'm sure that utilizing these options in the config file will break
things that rely on having a monolithic INSTANCE_HOME such as
products that attempt to do something like "import_dir =
os.path.join(INSTANCE_HOME, 'import').
So I propose that the stock Zope instance home install continue to
follow the old pattern (where everything is installed into a single
instance home directory), but we provide the advanced config file
options for roll-your-own packagers and advanced users.
I would like to do the same thing for the software home, but I
haven't thought much about it yet.
Review the Zope Book 2.6 Edition chapters and come up with revisions
or at least create a Zope 2.7 Install HowTo
The 2.6 edition Zope Book at has
three chapters which detail installation (Installing and Starting
Zope), maintenance (Maintaining Zope) and ZEO (Scalability and ZEO).
These chapters should be reviewed for inaccuracies with respect to
the forthcoming trunk changes and changes should be made "offline"
to allow a Zope Book 2.7 edition.
At least create a HowTo which summarizes the differences between
installing 2.6 and installing 2.7.
ZConfig defaults
We deferred several issues that we recognized as areas for
improvement in ZConfig that might make it possible to avoid writing
nasty procedural code for default handling unnecessary
(e.g. Zope.Startup.handlers.root_handler). See and Not necessary for merge, but
useful to think about for future.
ZConfig should keep enough state to be able to reconstitute the
textual representation of the configuration.
It would be nice if ZConfig kept enough state to be able to
reconstitute the configuration in textual representation
(to aid GUI builders and to make it possible to have
a meaningful 'zopectl showconfig' or somesuch).
COMMUNITY CONCERNS (uncategorized)
Status: Request for comment sent to the community:
Lots of discussion!
- ZConfig is too complex when compared with envvar parsing.
- Somewhat unrelated, but the features of "debug mode" should be
disentangled from one another and specifiable individually.
- Need to support arbitrary storage types.
- Provide --swhome and ---with-python switch to mkzopeinstance, which will
allow folks to create an instance that points to particular (known)
Python versions and software homes.
XXX This doesn't make sense. mkzopeinstance is part of the
software home; if you want to use a different one, use the
mkzopeinstance from the software home you want to use. The same
goes for the Python to use; that's "built-in" to a software home.
Using a different Python doesn't make sense given that the software
home includes compiled modules.
AAA This is to service to-be-chrooted installs.
- Explain how to set up and use a ZEO server using mkzeoinst
included in 2.7's ZEO.
(Use the installed bin/mkzeoinstance script; use --help for more
Richard Jones has done work to allow you to create a ZEO instance
in a way similar to creating a Zope instance (yay!) after
creating a software home.
- Give ZConfig replacement access to the environment or shell
somehow. For instance, some folks use the same 'start' script in
all of their instances right now (under 2.6). The script does
things based on the value of an envvar that can be used to
distinguish the config values of the instance from other instances.
We could allow for the same sort of behavior E.g.:
%define HOSTNAME `hostname` (assuming `hostname` resolves to a hostname)
lockfile-name /var/lock/$HOSTNAME-lockfile
- Give installaler an option to put libs in a user-specifiable
directory at software home installation time.
- Give installer an option to put docs in a user-specifiable directory
at software home installation time.
- Make it possible to install Zope-related Python libraries to
The site-packages of the Python used to invoke
- Offer to install software home 'bin' scripts into a directory
separate from the software home 'bin' directory.
- Allow for the installation of platform-dependent files (basically
Python extensions) to be installed to a place separate than that of
platform independent files (as requested by Luca DeVitis).
- Upon failure of Windows service startup, it's possible for the
reason for the failure to not be logged anywhere. This is because
we carefully wait til late in the startup process to write logfiles
so UNIX has a chance to setuid. This is unnecessary for Windows.
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